Hello NANOG community,
The Program Committee has extended the deadline to submit Lightning Talks
to May 31st 2020 10pm EDT.

Lightning Talks will be presented virtually on Tuesday June 2nd 2020.

A lightning talk is a very short presentation/speech by any attendee on any
topic relevant to the NANOG audience. These are limited to ten minutes;
this will be strictly enforced. If you have a topic that's timely and
interesting, we encourage you to consider presenting it.
Please submit an abstract via https://www.nanog.org/meetings/submit-
You will be notified if you have been selected on Monday June 1st.

If you have any questions please contact nano...@nanog.org.

Come share your ideas and insights.

Thank You,

Vincent Celindro
NANOG - Program Committee Chair
NANOG-announce mailing list

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