I've been involved with NANOG for over a year now. I have formed my opinions on how well things work or don't work and will steal my own thunder in this post.

I have already charged Betty to increase the value of NANOG to Merit. I think she has taken some good steps in this direction. During the ABQ meeting I plan to challenge the new SC to increase the value of NANOG to the community. NANOG was great years ago. The community says it is not as great as it was because they are not attending/participating. If NANOG has outlived its usefulness we can put it to sleep or change it to make it more useful. Merit can help facilitate the change, but the SC, PC, MLC and other members of the community are the only ones who can truly make NANOG more valuable to the community. The ratio of unproductive interactions to value-adding interactions that I've observed among the NANOG leadership is not what we would find in a great organization.

The reason I've sent this message rather than wait to say it in person is that I want everyone who cares about NANOG to think about how we can make it more valuable. If appropriate discuss it here on NANOG-futures. There has been some good discussion recently, but think outside the box (to use an overused term). Anything that we can do to see a productive community meeting, a thoughtful election, and meetings with the SC, PC and MLC that lead to a better NANOG.


William B. Norton wrote:
On 10/9/07, *Sean Figgins* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Joe Abley wrote:

    > No, there's a fixed overhead from having N x Merit FTEs doing NANOG
    > stuff year-round, housing NANOG servers, being covered by UMich
    > insurance, accounting, blah, blah. I'm not an accountant, as you
    > probably tell, but I think that's the right high-level answer.

    Just out of curiosity, what is the breakdown of those numbers? I mean,
    how many FTE is NANOG using from Merit, and how many servers in Merit
    managing for NANOG? Are any of the servers shared with other Merit
    projects, or are they self contained? I don't really care to know the
    financial information, as that is between the SC and Merit.

Check out Betty's slides at:
http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0702/community.html <http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0702/community.html>

The big $$$ is to the hotel - $105K for 1 mtg.

A close second biggest cost looks like the staff cost - shown as "Salary" and I would add in the "G&A". This is for 2-3 FTEs spread across a bunch of folks who collectively handle the load of NANOG activities. It looks like Merit allocates 1/3 of this expense to each of the 3 meetings. If there were 2 meetings, the staffing costs would be allocated across 2 points. The bottom line, I think you need a few FTEs no matter how you manage NANOG.

Having fewer meetings decreases the revenue while keeping the 2-3 FTEs constant. Probably leads to a greater net loss.

My conclusion is that more revenue is needed, more sponsorships, more beer-n-gear revenue, more NANOG commemorative mugs and boxer shorts.

And find a way to knock down the hotel expenses somehow.

BTW - I didn't see the ARIN $50K contributions in the budget on this page. Maybe Cisco should kick in $50K in kind and we don't need to have this conversation ;-)


Donald J. Welch, Ph.D.

President & CEO

Merit Network – Connecting Organizations, Building Community

1000 Oakbrook Drive

Ann Arbor, MI 48104


www.merit.edu <http://www.merit.edu/>

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