We are using nant for 2.0 automated builds (about 20 per day, ~200MB
sourcecode) regulary. No 3.0 work (yet), but it should be same.
msbuild is runned internally from within NAnt to do the actual compile
tasks. NAnt is more than the build - check the sources, unit test, zip the
artifacts, place them on right shares etc. This could be doable in msbuild
as well, but I prefer NAnt, since it was designed for those tasks. MSBuild
intentions is to do the build. As I see it, those 2 tools should cooperate
together, even that their purposes overlap. Moreover, mine NAnt scripts are
quite long and I dont feel the need spending mine time migrating them to any
other tool.
For the stuff, one miss, its quite easy to download the source, code it
yourself and just use. I try to intergrate mine changes back to NAnt, but
sometimes, its just mine proprietary solution and have to be remaked to be
generally accepted by comunity. I think about opensourceness as main
advantage of NAnt. Even that I'm not OSS fanatic or that :-)
"CustomProperties" is one of proposals of mine, which was not accepted yet.
We'd like to hear from you, if you think its the right approach, or about
any better/alternative aproaches you'd come with. Ideas always welcomed! :-)

  Ing. Martin  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Aliger
 <http://www.gordic.cz/>  <http://www.gordic.cz/> GORDIC spol. s r.o. 
GORDIC spol. s. r.o., Erbenova 4, 586 01 JIHLAVA
Tel: 567 309 136, 567 303 601


From: Ryan Parlee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 6:46 AM
To: Martin Aliger
Subject: ***SPAM*** RE: [nant-dev] <solution> and compiler arguments

Thanks for responding. So the "CustomProperties" is still in proposal and
not implemented in the latest NAnt release?  I couldn't find mention of it
on http://nant.sourceforge.net <http://nant.sourceforge.net/>   Please let
me know if I'm missing something.


BTW, do you still use NAant for .NET 2.0, 3.0 work?  Or have you switched to


Thanks, Ryan





From: Martin Aliger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 3:28 AM
To: Ryan Parlee
Cc: nant-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: [nant-dev] <solution> and compiler arguments


Hi Ryan,


yes - I implemented it locally in my patched version. It never propagate to
main revisions though.


In last versions there is proposal for "CustomProperties", an array of
arbitrary properties, which .net 1.1 builder could use as /nowarn and
/codepage values. I think, this will be quite nice implementation. Other
builders (like msbuild ala net 2.0) could use it the other way, though!




  Ing. Martin  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Aliger


 <http://www.gordic.cz/>  <http://www.gordic.cz/> GORDIC spol. s r.o.


GORDIC spol. s. r.o., Erbenova 4, 586 01 JIHLAVA
Tel: 567 309 136, 567 303 601





From: Ryan Parlee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 9:18 PM
Subject: RE: [nant-dev] <solution> and compiler arguments



I just came across your post about /nowarn /codepage args to csc via nant.  




Did you ever implement this nant extension?  I am in the same situation and
would like to be able to specify these settings via nant rather than update
several csproj files.




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