Hi Stefan,

glad to hear this.

Am 16.08.2011 06:09, schrieb Stefan Bodewig:
> Hi,
> over in log4net land we are seriously ramping up for a new release (who
> would have ever thought that 8-) and need to provide assemblies stripped
> down to the client profiles.  Has anybody around here got a
> configuration that can be used to target the client frameworks?
> My first guess, but I haven't really looked into it, is that one mostly
> needs to remove some assemblies from the reference-assemblies element of
> the corresponding full framework target.
> Stefan

As you might found out nant don't have a Client-Profile Target 
currently, since we are targeted mainly on .Net 4.0 support. So nant can 
be used on a .net 4.0 full runtime. But if someone doesn't add 
references to System.Web or similar, client profile should work too. 
(Maybe I'm wrong)

IMHO we at nant should review the target definition process either 
before we extend it more. (just a side note)

Nevertheless I want to offer you my support regarding nant. If you 
encounter any issue or location where changes in nant might help you 
don't hesitate to drop me an email.

So far and "keep coding" (Rob Mensching)


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