Jaroslaw, you're right, we had the <Task Name="blah"..> syntax in the PDC/Alpha bits. 
We recently changed to <TaskNameHere ... > as you see below so that an XSD could give 
us intellisense and validation on task parameters. It's also a bit less verbose, I 
guess. When the Beta comes out, you'll see the new syntax (there are some other 
changes too).


From: Jaroslaw Kowalski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sun 3/7/2004 11:20 PM
To: Alex Kipman; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: MSBuild External Feedback
Subject: Re: [nant-dev] Bug #908317 - Project with no source files builds with an error

Hi Alex!

Just out of curiosity: I remember MSBuild used to have a syntax where you
had to use <Task name="..." ... /> to run tasks.
In your example I see <MakeDir>, <Touch>, <Delete>

What version of the syntax are you going to support in Whidbey?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Kipman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gert Driesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Keyser, Jeffrey"
Cc: "MSBuild External Feedback" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 5:46 AM
Subject: RE: [nant-dev] Bug #908317 - Project with no source files builds
with an error

> As I told you offline : right now, its not possible to create assemblies
> containing no source files at all using the commandline compilers.
> HJowever, I'm pretty sure MS will have to revise this if they intend
> want to
> use MSBuild as build engine in VS.NET Whidbey.
> We can't just have the <solution> task skip the project if there are no
> sources in the project, as there could, for example, be resources in the
> project.
> >>> Hi Gert/Jeffrey,
> Turns out we run into the same issue with MSBuild.  The compilers have
> very good reasons for erroring in this case, so they will not be
> changing in the Whidbey timeframe.  We have gotten around this problem
> in our targets files.  I've pasted the steps below.  This ports pretty
> 1:1 to NAnt so you should be able to do the same to get around this
> problem.
> Basically we create an empty file which we then feed to the compilers.
> We use our touch task to do this for us.  We then clean this file.
> In the beta of Whidbey if you look in our Framework.targets you'll find
> the following target:
> <!--
>  Prepare the prerequisites for building.
> -->
> <Target
>   Name="PrepareForBuild"
>   DependsOnTargets="$(PrepareForBuildDependsOn)"
> >
>   <!--
>     Create the directories for intermediate and final build products.
>   -->
>   <MakeDir
>      Directories="$(OutDir);$(IntermediateOutputPath);
>                   @(DocFileItem->'%(RelativeDir)')"/>
>   <!--
>     We support building libraries even when there are no source files.
>     If no source file is specified in the project file, then we generate
>     an empty one here with an extension of
>     $(DefaultLanguageSourceExtension).
>   -->
>   <Touch
>      Condition="'@(Compile)'==''"
>      AlwaysCreate="true"
>      Files="$(IntermediateOutputPath)VisualStudio.Empty
>             $(DefaultLanguageSourceExtension)">
>      <Output TaskParameter="TouchedFiles" ItemName="Compile"
>              Condition=" '$(BuildingInsideVisualStudio)' != 'true' "/>
>   </Touch>
> </Target>
> <!--
>  Delete the empty source file if one was created at the start of the
> build.
> -->
> <Target
>   Name="RemoveEmptyGeneratedSource"
>   Condition="Exists('$(IntermediateOutputPath)VisualStudio.Empty
>              $(DefaultLanguageSourceExtension)')"
>   DependsOnTargets="$(RemoveEmptyGeneratedSourceDependsOn)"
> >
>     <Delete Files="$(IntermediateOutputPath)VisualStudio.Empty
>                    $(DefaultLanguageSourceExtension)"/>
> </Target>
> Let me know if you have any other questions,
> Alex Kipman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Program Manager
> MSBuild Team

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