Gary Feldman a écrit :
This looks like a good idea, but could be difficult to do generally across all tasks.

In the meantime, a simple approach that works today is to duplicate the task invocation with if/unless attributes, and use a property to indicate which to do:
In the setup targets:
<property name="generateDocs" value="true" /> <!-- or false -->

 In the build targets:
   <csc target="exe" output="..." doc="..." if="${generateDocs}" />
   <csc target="exe" output="..."           unless="${generateDocs}" />

It's annoyingly verbose, but I use this idiom frequently.


can this really work? You have to embed the source files between <csc></csc>:

<csc target="exe" output="${dir}">
                <include name="AssemblyInfo.cs" />
                <include name="code/*.cs" />

I don't see how I can use <csc target="exe" output="..." doc="..." if="${generateDocs}" />.

Thank you


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