I am trying to write the NAnt result into a log
file using the below script :
<try> <exec program="..\nant\bin\nant.exe" commandline="-buildfile:MiddleTier\MTM.MiddleTier.build build > ..\..\..\Log\MTM.MiddleTier.build.log" /> </try> <catch> <fail message="MTM.MiddleTier.build failed!" /> </catch> <finally> <exec program="..\nant\bin\nant.exe" commandline="-buildfile:MiddleTier\MTM.MiddleTier.BuildLog.build writeLogFile" /> </finally> </trycatch> When i open up the command prompt and execute the
build file containing the above script i see the output on the command prompt
screen but not sent to the log file mentioned
Can anyone tell me what i might be doing
Appreciate your help.
- [nant-dev] writing the NAnt output to a log file ?? Pradeep Chellu
- RE: [nant-dev] writing the NAnt output to a log file ?... Martin Aliger
- RE: [nant-dev] writing the NAnt output to a log file ?... Martin Aliger