I apologise in advance that what follows probably isn't 100% relevant to
nant, but I'm really hopeful that someone here might be able to set me in
the right direction and end hours of frustration. 

I've set up a basic build system using nant and Draco.NET which appears to
be working well for simple solutions/projects. I've just started to test it
out on more complicated projects and have hit a problem compiling projects
that reference external dlls. I'm using the solution task to do the compile
and the dlls in question reside on a shared network drive and are referenced
via a drive mapping (R:) configured on every developer workstation. 

A simple nant build file to compile the project using the solution task
works fine when executed from the command line, the problem starts when
Draco launches the exact same build file, with nant reporting that it can't
find the referenced assembly. 

I've included a copy of the simple build script that demonstrates the
problem plus the output from the command line invocation (correct) and Draco
invocation (incorrect).

I'm at a bit of a loss as to where to begin with this one. Only thing I can
think of at present is there's some kind of permissions thing going on (I've
tried some of the more obvious things like giving the shared folder full
access to 'everyone' but without success). 

I'd be eternally grateful to anyone who can give me any pointers. 


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="BuildDemo/BuildDemoWebSoln" default="build" basedir=".">

  <target name="build">
     <solution configuration="release">        
        <includes name="BuildDemo/BuildDemo.vbproj" />


NAnt version 0.8.4 Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Gerry Shaw

Buildfile: file:///D:/Projects/BuildDemo/BuildDemoWebSoln/test.build
Target(s) specified: build 


 [solution] Starting solution build.
 [solution] Building BuildDemo [release]...
                        Read in 0 resources from
                        Writing resource file...  Done.
                        Read in 0 resources from
                        Writing resource file...  Done.


Total time: 1.2 seconds.

NAnt version 0.8.4 Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Gerry Shaw

Buildfile: file:///D:/Projects/BuildDemo/BuildDemoWebSoln/test.build
Target(s) specified: build 


 [solution] Starting solution build.
 [solution] Building BuildDemo [release]...


Couldn't find referenced assembly

Total time: 0.2 seconds.

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