I can't seem to figure out the syntax to refer to assemblies in the global
assembly cache.  The syntax seems to work for the 'standard' assemblies like
System.Drawing.dll, but referencing an assembly like ADODB.dll or
nunit.framework.dll results in all kinds of compiler errors with nant.

Is this a known issue?  If so, what is the proper syntax?
I'm asking this here (rather than in nant-users) mainly because I think the
"nunit.framework, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=96d09a1eb7f44a77" syntax should be accepted in the references
section.  It doesn't seem to be with the latest snapshot, and I think that's
a bug.

If people agree, I'll look at updating the csc/vbc tasks.

John C Barstow

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