Hi Nicke,
good call I think. Verbosity problem is here, and I really want so solve it,
but I prefer to do it after release. I also think (and beleive others also)
we need shorter release cycle (aprox. 4 a year?)
1/: I didnt catch it - sorry. Structure of Nant's XML log is pretty vague -
thats true but I never notice, it is problem somewhere.
2/ log file size: I dont think there is any good was to reduce logs unless
precize verbosity threshold feature is introduce. Any information could be
3/ verbosity: many tasks have today use wrong message levels. I personally
also gets many errors/warning on mine CCNet console when running xmlpeek
failonerror=false. Your readregistry seems to be same problem. Solution task
is other thing. It calls other tasks (like resgen or copy) and those produce
many garbage. What about to change Info level messages from all nested tasks
to Verbose level? Error/Warning should remain same.



        From: .. On Behalf Of Nicklas Norling
        Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 12:30 PM
        Subject: [nant-dev] Nant XmlLogger
        I have a few questions and thoughts about the XmlLogger facility in
NAnt. I'm currently been using 11-15 nightly
        but basically as long as I've used the XmlLogger to provide data for
CCNet there have been all kinds of problems
        with this logging. As 0.85 seem to draw closer I thought I'd better
brought this up before the release rather then
        These are the main problems:
        1. None-functional XML structure.
        This is only indirectly getting me into trouble as other tools
relying on the Nant XML file can not figure out what's
        failing and what's not due to the information structure (or so I've
been told). I wonder what lovely things CCNet and
        other teams could do if this worked.
        2. Log file size.
        I have around 2 MB large logs after each build. Due to item 1 above
developers do often not get to know what went wrong
        from the CCNet so they have to look at the raw log using i.e. IE
(please note the rime). Over a 100 MBit connection
        this takes around 15-30 seconds depending on the computer. But lots
of our devs (several hundreds) are using this
        over a 512k line. It takes ages to load the log file for them and
it's also a very slow process to find the relevant information
        at times.
        3. Verbosity
        Most of the 2 MB log file consists of spam. Empty tags denoting a
task running. Worthless INFO and DEBUG style entries.
        Let me take some examples by giving you a walkthrough of my builds.
        My main build script begins with a clean task to remove the old
build artifacts. Here is the snipplet:
            <foreach item="Folder" property="foldername">
                  <include name='client\**\bin'/>
                  <include name='client\**\obj'/>
                <delete dir='${foldername}' />
        And the log it procuces.
                                      <target name="clean">
                                        <task name="foreach">
                                          <task name="">
                                            <task name="delete">
level="Info"><![CDATA[Deleting directory
                                          <task name="">
                                            <task name="delete">
level="Info"><![CDATA[Deleting directory
        All of those log entries sums up to quite a few. But what for? The
only need I can see is if the task failed, but it's not.
        A programmer would probably like to see that his delete task is
finding it's target and that the code gets ran, but as
        a end user of nant it becomes an annoyance to have to scroll
        Next my build fetches the latest code from cvs. This time I'm
actually interested in what comes out as that will eventually
        get transformed by CCNet into a build mail and a web page. Here's
the snipplet:
          <target name="cvsup" depends="init">
            <exec program="${cvsprog}" commandline="-q ${cvscompress}
-d${cvsroot} update -d -P" />
        When this task is logged normal information from CVS is logged as
                  <message level="Info"><![CDATA[U
                  <message level="Warning"><![CDATA[cvs update:
kage_ArtifactCache.xml is no longer in the repository]]></message>
        CCNet thinking it better alert me will transform this into the
Warning section of the email and webpage. But it's an informal message.
        Now it's time to do the actual compile. I'm using the <solution>
        <solution configuration="Debug" solutionfile="${filename}"/>
        This is the log result for one of the project (the solution contains
around 30 of them):
                                    <message level="Info"><![CDATA[Building
'Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.Interfaces' [Debug] ...]]></message>
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
                                    <task name="copy" />
        This then continues with the rest of the 70 or so solutions we have.
I can understand that the solution task needs to copy
        references local, but do the log really need to have each and every
copy logged without any info in it? To me a failure to
        copy is quite enough.
        If the project contains a resx file (or several) the resgen task
logs each compile:
                                    <task name="resgen">
                                      <message level="Info"><![CDATA[Read in
0 resources from
                                      <message level="Info"><![CDATA[Writing
resource file...  Done.]]></message>
                                      <task name="delete" />
        I don't see any usage for any of this information. Once again it
seems to me it's giving a programmer good debug info but a
        builder is having a hard time sorting out the important stuff.
        I'm estimating 1/3 of the file is filled with the debug info from
the solution task.
        Next after the build is complete I run FxCop. In order to do that no
matter what machine I'm reading the registry to find the key.
        This snipplet does it:
            <readregistry property="fxcop.path"
key="Software\Microsoft\FxCop\InstallRoot" hive="CurrentUser"
        Note the failonerror="false". This is what ends up in the log when
the key can not be found (normal thing as it can be installed as Me or for
                      <task name="readregistry">
                        <message level="Error"><![CDATA[Registry Path Not
Found! -
        This needless to say also ends up in the Error section of CCNet
build mails/web page.
        Next FxCop encounters one of our projects that hasn't got a
reference set up correctly. This is what the Exec task ends up logging:
level="Info"><![CDATA[WARNING: the following missing references were
level="Info"><![CDATA[Analysis might be compromised. Use the '/directory'
                                          <message level="Info"><![CDATA[to
specify additional assembly reference search paths.]]></message>
                                          <message level="Info"><![CDATA[*
Microsoft.Vbe.Interop Version=10.0.4504.0, used
        External Program Failed: C:\Program Files\Microsoft FxCop
1.312\FxCopCmd.exe (return code was 512)]]></message>
        I'm aware of this problem but there isn't much I can do about it at
this time. It will still analys the rest of the code so I wan't it to run.
        I figure the only sane thing to do is setting failonerror="false".
This gives the same problem as above. Another Error in CCNet.
        Is there anything that can be done to improve the situation before
the release? I think that a lot of people would appretiate
        that a lot. With the very high quality 0.85 has a good chance of
sustaining I find it very likely lots of people will not run as much
        on nightlys as they have. And with a release cycle of around a year
it seems shame that the logging isn't in a better shape then
        it is now.
        Am I way off here?

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