And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

FBI launches probe into death of Mobridge man

By Lee Williams - American News Writer

Mobridge -- The FBI has launched a federal civil rights investigation one day after 
charges were dismissed against four Mobridge area teens in the death of Robert "Boo" 
Many Horses.

An FBI spokesman from Sioux Falls said two agents from the Aberdeen FBI office were 
sent to Mobridge to begin an investigation that is for now, centered on the four.

Initially, the FBI probe will be center on results of an investigation already 
completed by state and local law enforcement officers assigned to the Many Horses 
case, but officials say it could lead to other areas.

Once that investigation is completed, the report will be sent to Washington D.C. for 

In Mobridge, and on the Standing Rock Reservation, reaction to the dismissal of state 
charges is mixed. Mark White Bull, a member of the Justice for Boo Committee, said 
that he feels frustrated by the court's decision. "We were afraid that this would 
happen and our fears were confirmed. We had been told that charges were likely to be 
dismissed, and that is why we remained active." Committee members have organized 
several memorial events in the Mobridge area.

White Bull said his committee will look to the American Indian Movement for lawyers, 
funding and expertise. He has contacted AIM leaders Clyde Bellecourt and Dennis Banks 
to ask their help.

White Bull said he is hopeful that action will be taken, "If we give up -- we'll die. 
They're killing us too."

Many Horses was found dead June 30, in a garbage can in Mobridge after he had been 
drinking with the four teens. Autopsy results show that the cause of death was alcohol 
poisoning. Layne Gisi, 19, Mobridge, faced first degree manslaughter charges or second 
degree manslaughter and aggravated assault charges, while Jody Larson, 19, Mobridge; 
Hahne, 17, Trail City; and Ryan Goehring, 16, Mobridge, had been charged with 
assisting with a crime, accessory to a crime and failure to report a felony.

Judy Fiddler, a Mobridge businesswoman, said community reaction to the dismissal is 
mixed, but that it may be too soon to gauge public sentiment. "Most people are just 
now finding out about it. Boo was pretty well spoken of, and we're not oblivious to 
the family's loss."........<<end excerpt

Judge's Decision:

AIM REACTION (posted by JD Chipps to the FN list:

 >From the Offices of:  AMERICAN INDIAN MOVMENT
E-mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear friends in the struggle. The unbelievable has happened. The FBI kept their word. 
Last week when Dennis and myself met with the head of the FBI for South Dakota he 
assured us he would follow up on the developments in the case of "Boo" Many Horses who 
was killed several months ago by four residents of Mobridge, SD As you may already 
know, yesterday, all charges were dismissed against the four. Since that decision, 
outrage has rippled throughout Indian country.  Today, true to their word, The FBI 
launched an investigation into the various civil rights violations of the case. This 
is good news because it takes the case out of the hands of the Mobridge thugs. It is 
important to understand that yesterdays decision merely dismissed the charges it is 
not the same as an acquittal.  They can still be brought to justice.  CAN IT BE TRUE 
THE FBI? We can only wait and see how this plays out. I believe !
ious optimism is the best course at this time. We will not let down our guard!

I believe this development to be the result of thousands and millions of prayers. Our 
voices have been heard individually and collectively that abuse of our people will not 
be tolerated.  We are reclaiming our rich and noble heritage.  This is a victory for 
people of all nations.

"Don't confuse AIM with any particular individual, or individuals, who march under its 
banner-however worthy or unworthy they may be. AIM is The People. AIM will be there 
when every one of us living today is gone. AIM will raise new leaders in every 
generation.  Crazy Horse belonged to AIM. Sitting Bull belonged to AIM. They belong to 
us still, and we belong to them.  They are with us now." ~Leonard  Peltier~

Matt Sherman, National Field Office, AIM
<A HREF="">Complete Story!</A>
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           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                      Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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