And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

From: "George(s) Lessard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 01:48:08 -0600
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Subject: Labrador Inut Agreement in Principle

Agreement in Principle Document
(Reproduced below with all chapter URLs included)

the Inuit of Labrador
Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Newfoundland
Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada

Initialled on May 10, 1999

This Agreement-in-Principle has been initialled in St. John's,
Newfoundl and, this 10th day of May 1999 by the Chief Negotiators of
Labrador Inuit Association, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
and the Government of Canada, signifying their intent to recommend the
Agreement-in-Principle for ratification in accordance with the
ratification provisions of chapter 26 of this Agreement-in-Principle.

The printed version of the document stands as the official record. The
Department assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies which may have
been transmitted with the electronic version

Table of Contents

Preamble 1

Chapter 1: General Definitions 2
Part 1.1 General 2
Schedule 1-A: Labrador Inuit Land Claims Area 15

Chapter 2: General Provisions 16

Part 2.1 Status of Agreement-in-Principle 16
Part 2.2 Status of Agreement 16
Part 2.3 Coming into Effect 16
Part 2.4 Identity as Aboriginal People 16
Part 2.5 Inuit Culture and Language 16
Part 2.6 Constitutional Division of Powers 17
Part 2.7 Right to Benefit from Programs 17
Part 2.8 Right to Benefit from Existing or Future Constitutional Rights 17
Part 2.9 Rights as Citizens of Canada 17 Part 2.10 Status of Lands 17 Part
2.11 Other Aboriginal Peoples 17 Part 2.12 Certainty 18 Part 2.13
Indemnity 18 Part 2.14 Invalidity 19 Part 2.15 Suits on Behalf of Inuit 19
Part 2.16 Application of Laws 19 Part 2.17 Amending the Agreement 20 Part
2.18 Interpretation 20 Part 2.19 Charter of Rights and Freedoms 21 Part
2.20 Disclosure of Information 21 Part 2.21 Communications 22 Part 2.22
Warranty of Representation 22 Part 2.23 Conflict of Laws 22 Part 2.24
Negotiations under the Agreement 23

Chapter 3: Land and Non-Renewable Resources 24

Part 3.1 Definitions 24
Part 3.2 Labrador Inuit Settlement Area 24
Part 3.3 Labrador Inuit Lands 25
Part 3.4 Vesting and General Attributes of Inuit Title 25
Part 3.5 Boundaries, Surveys and Descriptions 27
Part 3.6 Carving Stone 28
Part 3.7 Specified Materials 30
Part 3.8 Inuit Central Government Powers and Authorities in Relation to
Labrador Inuit Lands Part 3.9 Existing Surface Interests in Labrador Inuit
Lands 32 Part 3.10 Subsurface Interests in Labrador Inuit Lands 33 Part
3.11 Subsurface Resource Development in Labrador Inuit Lands 38 Part 3.12
Nuclear Substances 39 Part 3.13 Identification and Tenure of
Aull=E2simavet 40 Part 3.14 Access to Lands in the Labrador Inuit
Settlement Area 41 Part 3.15 Expropriation of Labrador Inuit Lands 48
Schedule 3-A: Labrador Inuit Settlement Area 51 Schedule 3-B: Labrador
Inuit Lands 52 Schedule 3-C: Specified Material Lands 53 Schedule 3-D:
Water Lots 54 Schedule 3-E: Aull=E2simavet 55

Chapter 4: Identification and Selection of Labrador Inuit Lands 56

Part 4.1 Purpose and Status of Chapter 56
Part 4.2 Principles and Guidelines for the Identification and Selection of
Labrador Inuit Lands Part 4.3 Establishment of the Boundaries of the
Labrador Inuit Settlement Area 61 Schedule 4-A: Donner Discovery Area 63
Schedule 4-B: Voisey's Bay Area 64

Chapter 5: Water Management and Inuit Water Rights 65

Part 5.1 Definitions 65
Part 5.2 General 65
Part 5.3 Inuit Water Rights 67
Part 5.4 Administration of Water Uses in Labrador Inuit Lands 67
Part 5.5 Administration of Water Uses in the Labrador Inuit Settlement
Are= a outside Labrador Inuit Lands 69 Part 5.6 Compensation 72 Part 5.7
Further Negotiations 73 Schedule 5-A: Map of Potential Tidal Power
Development Area 75

Chapter 6: Ocean Management 76

Part 6.1 Definitions 76
Part 6.2 General 76
Part 6.3 Ocean Management 77
Part 6.4 Marine Protected Areas 77
Part 6.5 Marine Shipping 78
Part 6.6 Development and Exploration 78
Part 6.7 Inuit Impacts and Benefits Agreements in the Zone 80
Part 6.8 Further Matters to be Considered 83
Schedule 6-A: Matters Appropriate for Negotiation and Inclusion in an
Inui= t Impacts and Benefits Agreement 84

Chapter 7: Economic Development 86

Part 7.1 Definitions 86
Part 7.2 General 86
Part 7.3 Revenue Sharing in Labrador Inuit Lands 87
Part 7.4 Revenue Sharing in the Labrador Inuit Settlement Area Outside
Lab= rador Inuit Lands Part 7.5 Revenue Sharing - Voisey's Bay Project 88
Part 7.6 Arrangements Respecting Subsurface Resource Revenue Sharing 89
Part 7.7 Inuit Impacts and Benefits Agreements 91 Part 7.8 Co-ordination
of Economic Development Policies 95 Part 7.9 Contracting and Employment of
Inuit by Newfoundland 97 Part 7.10 Employment and Contracting of Inuit by
the Government of Canada Schedule 7-A: Matters Appropriate for Negotiation
and Inclusion in an Inuit Impacts and Benefits Agreement 103

Chapter 8: Voisey's Bay Project 105

Schedule 8-A: Voisey's Bay Area 106

Chapter 9: National Parks and Protected Areas 107

Part 9.1 Definitions 107
Part 9.2 Torngat Mountains National Park Reserve 107
Part 9.3 National Parks and National Park Reserves 108
Part 9.4 Archaeological Activities in National Parks and National Park
Res= erves 111 Part 9.5 Protected Areas 111

Chapter 10: Land Use Planning 114

Part 10.1 Definitions 114
Part 10.2 General 114
Part 10.3 Steering Committee 115
Part 10.4 Preparation of the Land Use Plan 116
Part 10.5 Public Hearings 117
Part 10.6 Approval of the Plan 118
Part 10.7 Implementation of the Plan 119
Part 10.8 Existing and Non-Conforming Uses 119
Part 10.9 Amendments to the Plan 120
Part 10.10 Appeals 120
Part 10.11 Jurisdiction of the Inuit Central Government 121
Part 10.12 Municipal Plans 122

Chapter 11: Environmental Assessment 123

Part 11.1 Definitions 123
Part 11.2 General 123
Part 11.3 Inuit Central Government Jurisdiction 126
Part 11.4 Inuit Environmental Assessment Process 127
Part 11.5 Provincial Environmental Assessment Process 128
Part 11.6 Federal Environmental Assessment Process 132
Part 11.7 Monitoring 133

Chapter 12: Wildlife and Plants 134

Part 12.1 Definitions 134
Part 12.2 General 135
Part 12.3 Inuit Domestic Harvest 135
Part 12.4 Inuit Harvest Levels 139
Part 12.5 Limitations on the Inuit Domestic Harvest 143
Part 12.6 Emergency Kills 146
Part 12.7 Inuit Central Government Jurisdiction 146
Part 12.9 Powers and Responsibilities of the Torngat Wildlife and Plants
C= o- Management Board 155 Part 12.10 Commercial Harvesting of Wildlife
159 Part 12.11 Inuit Rights to Plants 163 Part 12.12 Commercial Harvesting
of Plants 163 Part 12.13 Access 165 Part 12.14 Interjurisdictional
Agreements 166 Schedule 12-A: Oath of Office of Board Members 168 Schedule
12-B: Rules Governing Conflict of Interest for the Board 169 Schedule
12-C: Wildlife for Which the Board May Recommend A Total Allowable Harvest
170 Schedule 12-D: Inuit Right of First Refusal Regarding Existing
Commercial Wildlife Operations 171 Schedule 12-E: Right of First Refusal
for New Commercial Wildlife Operatio= ns and New Operations for Commercial
Harvesting of Plants 173 Schedule 12-F: Measures Under Federal Laws or
Provincial Laws of General Application to Permit Harvesting by Inuit
Residing in Labrador Outside the Labrador Inuit Settlement Area 175
Schedule 12-G: Map Showing Areas Outside the Labrador Inuit Settlement
Area Where Inuit Rights Under Schedule 12-F Apply 178 Part 12.8 Torngat
Wildlife and Plants Co-management Board 151

Chapter 13: Fisheries 179

Part 13.1 Definitions 179
Part 13.2 General 180
Part 13.3 Inuit Domestic Fishery 180
Part 13.4 Limitations on Inuit Domestic Fishery 182
Part 13.5 Inuit Domestic Harvest Level 182
Part 13.6 Customary Fishing Areas 187
Part 13.7 Times and Places for the Inuit Domestic Fishery 188
Part 13.8 Inuit Central Government 188
Part 13.9 Torngat Joint Fisheries Board 192
Part 13.10 Powers and Responsibilities of the Board 195
Part 13.11 Commercial Harvesting 198
Part 13.12 Interjurisdictional Matters 202
Schedule 13-A: Oath of Office of Board Members 204
Schedule 13-B 205
Schedule 13-C 206
Schedule 13-D 207
Schedule 13-E 208

Chapter 14: Harvesting Compensation 209

Part 14.1 Definitions 209
Part 14.2 General 209
Part 14.3 Application of Chapter 210
Part 14.4 Marine Transportation 210
Part 14.5 Absolute Liability 211
Part 14.6 Legislation Limiting Liability 212
Part 14.7 Procedure for Making a Claim 212

Chapter 15: Archaeology 214

Part 15.1 Definitions 214
Part 15.2 General 214
Part 15.3 Inuit Central Government Jurisdiction 215
Part 15.4 Historically Significant Buildings 216
Part 15.5 Consultation with respect to Legislation 216
Part 15.6 Archaeological Permitting 217
Part 15.7 Employment and Contracting 221
Part 15.8 Title to Archaeological Material and Inuit Artifacts 221
Part 15.9 Transfers and Loans from Designated Federal Agencies 222
Part 15.10 Standards 222
Part 15.11 Improperly Obtained Material in Possession of Province 223 Part
15.12 Management and Loans of Inuit Artifacts, Archaeological Materials,
Ethnographic Materials and Inuit Cultural Materials 223 Part 15.13
Archaeological Records 226 Part 15.14 Archival Records 227

Chapter 16: Place Names 228

Part 16.1 Definitions 228
Part 16.2 General 228
Part 16.3 Place Naming in Labrador Inuit Lands 228
Part 16.4 Place Naming in the Labrador Inuit Settlement Area outside
Labra= dor Inuit Lands 229 Part 16.5 Place Naming in the Inuit Communities

Chapter 17: Labrador Inuit Self-Government 232

Part 17.1 Definitions 232
Part 17.2 General 233
Part 17.3 The Labrador Inuit Constitution 234
Part 17.4 Legal Status of the Inuit Government 236
Part 17.5 Registry of Laws 236
Part 17.6 Delegation 237
Part 17.7 Inuit Government Legislative Jurisdiction 238
Part 17.8 Administration of Justice 256
Part 17.9 Inuit Community Governments 266
Schedule 17-A: Boundaries of the Inuit Communities 273
Schedule 17-B: Description of Boundaries of the Inuit Communities 279

Chapter 18: Fiscal Financing Agreements 280

Part 18.1 General 280
Part 18.2 Fiscal Financing Negotiations 281
Part 18.3 Own Source Revenue Capacity of the Inuit Central
Government 282
Part 18.4 Negotiations 283

Chapter 19: Capital Transfers 284

Part 19.1 Payment of Capital Transfer 284
Part 19.2 Negotiation Loan Payment 285
Part 19.3 Loans Against Capital Transfer 286
Part 19.4 Interest 287

Chapter 20: Taxation 288

Part 20.1 Definitions 288
Part 20.2 Inuit Government Taxation Powers 290
Part 20.3 Other Taxation and Tax Administration Agreements 291
Part 20.4 Labrador Inuit Lands 292
Part 20.5 Transfers of Inuit Capital 293
Part 20.6 Non-Treaty Provisions 293
Part 20.7 Taxation Treatment of Inuit Government Institutions 293
Part 20.8 Other Provincial Taxes 297
Part 20.9 Inuit Settlement Trusts 298
Part 20.10 General 299

Chapter 21: Dispute Resolution 301

Part 21.1 Definitions 301
Part 21.2 General 301
Part 21.3 The Dispute Resolution Board 301
Part 21.4 Powers of the Dispute Resolution Board 303
Part 21.5 Mediation 303
Part 21.6 Arbitration 304
Part 21.7 Arbitration Decisions 307
Part 21.8 Language 309
Part 21.9 Transitional 309
Schedule 21-A: Provisions Referring the Parties to Dispute Resolution 310
Schedule 21-B: Provisions Providing Third Parties With a Right to
Arbitration 311 Schedule 21-C 312

Chapter 22: Eligibility and Enrolment 313

Part 22.1 Definitions 313
Part 22.2 Eligibility Criteria 315
Part 22.3 Community Enrolment Committees 316
Part 22.4 Community Enrolment Procedures 318
Part 22.5 Enrolment Appeal Commission 319
Part 22.6 Labrador Inuit Enrolment Register 321
Part 22.7 Publication of Register 321
Part 22.8 Community Membership Committees 321
Part 22.9 Labrador Inuit Membership Appeal Board 322
Part 22.10 Judicial Review of Commission and Board Decisions 323
Part 22.11 Suspension of Benefits 324
Part 22.12 Removal of Names From Register 325
Part 22.13 Proof of Enrolment 325
Part 22.14 Functions of Inuit Central Government Related to Enrolment 326
Part 22.15 Evidence and Immunity 326

Chapter 23: Ratification of the Agreement 328

Part 23.1 Definitions 328
Part 23.2 General 328
Part 23.3 Eligibility for Enumeration on the Official Voters List 328 Part
23.4 Ratification Committee 329 Part 23.5 Enumeration 329 Part 23.6
Information 331 Part 23.7 Inuit Ratification Vote 331 Part 23.8 Government
Ratification Process 332 Part 23.9 Timetable 333 Part 23.10 Implementation

Chapter 24: Implementation 335

Part 24.1 Definitions 335
Part 24.2 General 335
Part 24.3 Implementation Plan 335
Part 24.4 Implementation Committee 336
Part 24.5 Inuit Central Government Implementation Fund 337
Part 24.6 Early Implementation 340

Chapter 25: Overlapping Claims 341

Chapter 26: Ratification of Agreement-in-Principle 342

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