And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 14:54:25 EDT
Subject: Please Forward: Financing Tribal Renewable Projects

 > P.O. Box 831   Rosebud, SD 57570   Phone: 605-856-2173   Fax: 605-856-2140<
President Patrick Spears < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Secretary Robert Gough < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >

                                     October, 1999
Dear Tribal Leader:

The Intertribal Council On Utility Policy (COUP) is pleased to announce the 
"FINANCING RENEWABLE$ IN INDIAN COUNTRY" workshop to be held on the Lower 
Sioux Reservation, Morton, MN, on October 14 and 15,1999.  This site, located 
some 110 miles southwest of Mpls., was chosen because of its central location 
for Tribes in the Great Lakes and Great Plains regions included in the High 
Plains Sustainable Energy for Economic Development (SEED) area, and to 
highlight the Lower Sioux Tribe's new wind turbine demonstration project.

This workshop is designed for Tribal leaders, finance officers economic 
development, utility and project managers, and tribal attorneys to acquaint 
Tribal governments with:

1.  The policies and prices for energy efficiency and renewable technologies 

2.  The strategies for financing energy saving and renewable energy projects.

FIRST DAY:    The workshop will give Tribal leaders an opportunity to meet 
with knowledgeable representatives of the renewable energy community from 
throughout the mid-west, as well as with venders of some of the major 
renewable energy technologies which could be applied on reservations.  The 
INTERTRIBAL Council On Utility Policy will meet from 9:00 to Noon on October 
14th and the Workshop will begin at 1:00 PM.  A dinner will be held for 
workshop participants and members of the High Plains SEED Steering Committee 
(who will be meeting separately on Friday).

SECOND DAY: The full day session starting at 8:30 AM will be devoted to 
financing strategies for capital development projects on Tribal lands through 
the issuance of tax-exempt  and taxable municipal bonds, featuring: Mr. Jesse 
Smith of Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation.  This session will examine 
Tribal opportunities for developing sources of capital for reservation 
projects, such as renewable energy technologies and more energy efficient 
housing projects, and for managing long term debt.

We hope you can join us for this informative two day workshop aimed at making 
Tribes more self-sufficient for the future.


Robert Gough, Secretary
INTERTRIBAL Council On Utility Policy
 > P.O. Box 831   Rosebud, SD 57570    Phone: 605-856-2173  Fax: 605-856-2140<
President Patrick Spears < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Secretary Robert Gough < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >

Background and Activities

The Intertribal Council On Utility Policy (COUP) is composed of federally 
recognized Indian tribes in North and South Dakota and affiliates throughout 
the northern Great Plains.  Organized in 1994, it is chartered and 
headquartered on the Rosebud Sioux Reservation to provide a tribal forum for 
policy issues dealing with telecommunications and energy utility operations 
and services. 

Background:  Low-cost hydroelectric power has been federally generated from 
tribal lands and waters along the Missouri River for decades without  proper 
allocations provided to the tribes in the region.  Intertribal COUP grew out 
of the unified efforts of the Missouri River Basin tribes, through the 
MniSose Intertribal Water Rights Coalition, seeking a fair share of the 
federal power distributed by the DOE's Western Area Power Administration. 

Mission:  Intertribal COUP strongly adheres to the principles of tribal 
self-determination and ecological sustainability, supporting the development 
of sustainable homeland economies built upon renewable energy resources.  
Anticipating the potential for technological convergence in the 
telecommunications and energy industries under federal restructuring, 
Intertribal COUP is a vehicle for educating Tribal governments about economic 
development opportunities available  through public and private partnerships 
to provide reservation utility services under deregulation.  Further, 
Intertribal COUP seeks to assure that the benefits of tribal partnerships 
with the federal government, as envisioned in our treaties, are promoted in 
federal legislation and policy.

Activity Highlights: Intertribal COUP has sponsored and participated in 
numerous briefings, conferences, workshops and forums on telecommunications 
and energy issues including:

     Co-sponsorship of the "Telecom/Utilities 2000 Summit" with the Rosebud 
Sioux Tribal Utility Commission, BIA, FCC, Departments of Commerce, 
Agriculture and Energy in June, 1996.

     Indian representation on the Federal Communications Commission's Local 
and State Government Advisory Committee for Telecommunications since 1997.

     Introducing the DOE's ReBuild America Program for partnerships energy 
efficiency into Indian Country -- Great Plains, Southwest, Great Lakes and 
Pacific Northwest -- since January, 1998.

     Sponsorship of the "Restructuring, Renewables and Reservations- Tribal 
Energy Conference"   with the Department of Energy and the National Labs, as 
part of a three year planning program on energy deregulation to build a 
utility-based foundation for sustainable economic development on energy 
efficiency and renewable resources in May, 1998.

     Partnered with NASA to organize the national Native Peoples/Native 
Homelands USGCRP Climate Change Workshop as part of the National Assessment 
of Climate Change, since 1997.

     The development of the High Plains SEED's Federal Energy Policy 
Recommendations for the Great Plains and western Great Lakes presented to 
Congress in January, 1999.

     Developing tribal Integrated Resource Planning and Mid-Continent Wind 
Assessment 2000.

     U.S. Senate Indian Affairs Committee staff briefing on Deregulation in 
Indian Country, July  1999.

     Working with the Rosebud Sioux Tribe and E3 on DOE supported 750 MW wind 
turbine project.

  > P.O. Box 831   Rosebud, SD 57570  Phone: 605-856-2173 Fax: 605-856-2140 <
President Patrick Spears < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Secretary Robert Gough < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >

to be held on the
Lower Sioux Reservation, Morton, Minnesota
October 14 and 15,1999

Have you heard the news about electricity utility restructuring??  About 
changes in DOE Indian Energy Policy??   About the potential for clean 
renewable energy in your area??   About the potential impacts of a changing 
climate??   Did you know that Minnesota presently generates more wind power 
than anyplace on Earth??   That the DOE estimates that 75% of the electricity 
demand in the lower 48 states could be met by the wind resources in the Great 
Plains alone??   That Great Plains Tribes are connected by a federal energy 
grid??   That the U.S. Congress has zeroed out renewable funding for American 
Indian Tribes and has failed again to provide adequate funding for renewable 
energy research and development??  Are you interested in energy 
self-sufficiency??  Are you a member of HP Sustainable Energy for Economic 
Development (SEED) network from the Dakotas to the Great Lakes??  Would you 
like to know how to finance the up-front costs of renewable energy generation 
or energy efficient Tribal housing or facilities construction??

IF you can answer "YES" to any of these questions, or would be interested in 
finding out more about these issues  ... THIS WORKSHOP IS FOR YOU!!

Continuing to bring important information to Tribal Governments on energy 
issues, INTERTRIBAL COUP presents a two-day workshop on the costs of 
renewable energy development and Tribal financing strategies for the 
construction and operation of renewable energy technologies and facilities on 
Tribal Lands.

Renewable resources (wind, biomass, solar, and small scale hydro-power) can 
help Tribes meet growing residential and facility energy needs,  and provide 
economic  opportunities to produce and market surplus energy to the 
surrounding region.

Intertribal COUP has invited nationally known consultants in renewable energy 
and  representatives from major wind turbine manufacturers doing business in 
the mid-west to discuss costs and options for developing renewable generation 

Join us for two days to talk the "nuts & bolts" technology and financing at 
the Jackpot Junction Casino Hotel, Lower Sioux Reservation.  See the newly 
installed demonstration wind turbine!!  Tour modern wind-farm sites, too!!
October 14 and 15,1999

Lower Sioux Reservation
Just off Highway 19 & 71 on County Road 24 in Morton Minnesota.
Just 110 miles SW of Twin Cities: Take Hwy 169 South to 19 West to Morton

INTERTRIBAL COUP Organization Meeting October 14th at 9:00 to Noon

October 14th from 1:00 to 5:00 PM

** Workshop Overview **
** Update on Indian Energy Policy Issues **
** Renewable Resources in the Great Plains and Great Lakes Regions **
** Costs of Renewable Energy Technologies **
[ Representatives from ZOND, NEG-MICON, VESTAS, JACOBS INVITED ]
** LOWER SIOUX Wind Demonstration Project **

October 15th from 8:30 to 4:30 PM

** Financing Renewable Energy Development on Tribal Lands **
** Tax-Exempt  and  Taxable Municipal Bonds **
Featuring: Mr. Jesse Smith of Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation


PRE-Registration Fee: $100 for First Affiliate / $50 for Second Affiliate. 
** Pre-Registration available until October 12th, 1999 **
** High Plains SEED Steering Committee participation at $50 rate **
     [ Registration at Workshop: $150 for 1st Affiliate / $75 for 2nd 
Affiliate ]
Registration includes materials and 3 meals  (Thursday: Dinner & Friday: 
Breakfast & Lunch).  Bring checks payable to: "Intertribal Council On Utility 

Name: _______________________________Phone: ________________________
Affiliation (Tribal or other):
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
FAX: ___________________________

FOR LODGING at Jackpot Junction Casino Hotel, Call 1-800 WIN CASH by Oct. 
11th for $40/night ICOUP Workshop discount rate !!   RESERVATIONS ARE UP TO 
<FOR MORE INFORMATION: Bob Gough at: 715-426-1415 or  [EMAIL PROTECTED] >

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                      Unenh onhwa' Awayaton
            UPDATES: CAMP JUSTICE    

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