And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Activist Mailing List -


The World Health Organisation's General Assembly will vote this month 
on guidelines on bioethics.  These are non-binding guidelines, but 
will be highly influential, if accepted.  They endorse the WHO's 
existing position against reproductive cloning of human beings and 
have a number of other good points.  They are on the web, with an 
article from Nature reporting them, at  A 
key weakness is the following sentence: 

'At present germ line therapy is not acceptable, but this should be 
reviewed with advancing knowledge'.  

'Germ line therapy' refers to inheritable genetic engineering of 
humans (HGE), as opposed to existing techniques of 'gene therapy' 
which do not involve changes which are inherited by offspring.  

Human genetic engineering is completely unacceptable and should be 
subject to an unconditional permanent ban, like cloning.  However, the 
current view of the scientific community, as reflected in the WHO 
draft, is that the main reason for not doing HGE is that the technique 
itself might lead to harmful mutations, which could cause genetic 
diseases.  Whilst true, this does not address any ethical or social 
issues, and if techniques improve, it will not prevent some scientists 
from going ahead.

It is vital that people lobby the WHO calling for a permanent ban on 
human genetic engineering.  Here are some arguments you might use:

1. It is a basic aspect of human dignity that human beings are what 
they are, and must be accepted as such.  They must not become objects 
of design by others, however well meaning, otherwise the key 
distinction between humans as subjects and objects to be manipulated 
at will, will disappear, with dire consequences for human dignity.

2. The social consequences of this change would be profound: it would 
be a new era of human history in which the genetic constitution of the 
human race as a whole would become subject to market forces.  One 
likely consequence, given the expense of the technique, would be that 
the rich would be able gain extra advantages for their children, 
leading to a genetically-enhanced ruling elite.  Lee Silver,a 
biologist at Princeton University has said that this elite would 
eventually become a separate species.  Given the power of the 
technique, in some instances it is certain that states would assume 
control over its use, for eugenic purposes.  

3. Once it was permitted for 'medical' reasons it would be impossible 
to control its use for purposes of 'enhancement', as has been the case 
with surgery and many drugs. 

4. Although advocates of germline engineering argue for its medical 
benefits, in fact there are extremely few instances where the 
avoidance of the birth of genetically disabled children could not be 
accomplished by other means, such as gamete donation, preimplantation 
diagnosis, adoption, termination of pregnancy or non-parenthood.  It 
cannot be acceptable for the the above-mentioned ethical and social 
consequences to be risked for the sake of the desires of a vanishingly 
small number of people.  

In short HGE is a new form of techno-eugenics which cannot be 
accepted, whatever slight benefits it may have.  It cannot be 
justified interms of 'reproductive freedom'.

Please use your own arguments and words and do not simply cut and 
paste these.  A simple expression of revulsion at the prospect of HGE 
will do.

Please send your comments to the WHO report's author, 
Abdullah Daar,  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).


                      *  The Activist  *

This is not about the world that we inherited from our forefathers,
  It is about the world we have borrowed from our children !!
Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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