Thanks for all the work on this Gustaf.
Looks like a great release!


On Sun, 4 Nov 2018 at 17:54, Gustaf Neumann <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> on sourceforge is now the release of NaviServer 4.99.17 [1].
> Below is a summary of the changes. This release was tested
> under Windows 8.1 (32bit) and 10 (64bit) many thanks to
> Oleg Oleinik), various Linux versions (e.g. Ubuntu 18.04,
> FC 27, including Raspberry PI Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.4
> with ARM processor), and OmniOS and OpenBSD, with
> Tcl 8.5, 8.6 and 8.7 (alpha). Many thanks to all contributors!
> all the best
> -gustaf
> [1]
> =======================================
> NaviServer 4.99.17, released 2018-11-04
> =======================================
>  421 files changed, 17805 insertions(+), 10275 deletions(-)
> New Features:
> -------------
>   - Added brotli support for delivering static content
>     ---------------------------------------------------
>     The brotli compression format (RFC 7932) achieves better results for
>     compression for typical web content compared to e.g. gzip and is
>     supported by most current browsers. The definition of static
>     content delivery is exactly the same for "brotli" as for static
>     "gzip" content.
>     New configuration options for ns/fastpath:
>     * "brotli_static": should static brotli delivery be checked?
>     * "brotli_refresh": should outdated brotli compressed files be refreshed?
>     * "brotli_cmd": OS-level command with options used for brotli compression
>   - "ns_conn" additions:
>     * New subcommand "ns_conn acceptedcompression" to return accepted
>       compressions for the current connection (gzip or brotli)
>     * New subcommands "ns_conn currentaddr" and "ns_conn currentport"
>       to refer to the address and port of the currently open server side
>       of the socket.
>   - New feature for GDPR: add mask IP addresses optionally in access log
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------
>     This feature is similar to "anonip" IP anonymizer of the Swiss
>     privacy foundation): When this feature is activated, all IP
>     addresses are masked in the log file, such that the host-specific
>     (= person- specific) information is masked out and the IP-address
>     does not match a particular individual anymore. Still, with the
>     masking turned on, reverse DNS lookup and/or geolocation is
>     possible.
>     The option can be configured via the following parameters in the
>     ".../module/nslog" section of the config file of NaviServer:
>      * "masklogaddr": boolean value to turn feature on/off (default off)
>      * "maskipv4": mask for IPv4 addresses (default
>      * "maskipv6": mask for IPv6 addresses (default ff:ff:ff:ff::)
>   - New atomic "nsv_set" commands/options
>     -------------------------------------
>     * Obtain (old) value from nsv ARRAY and set it to a new value set foo
>         set foo [nsv_set -reset ARRAY KEY NEWVALUE]
>       After the operation, ARRAY(KEY) has a new value.
>       The operation is similar to "nsv_set ARRAY KEY NEWVALUE",
>       but the variant with "-reset" returns the old value.
>       Similar to GETSET in REDIS.
>    * Obtain a value from nsv ARRAY and unset it (no new value is provided).
>         set foo [nsv_set -reset ARRAY KEY]
>      The operations returns the old value of ARRAY(KEY) or empty, if
>      it does not exist.  After the operation, the ARRAY(KEY) is unset.
>    * Set a default value for a nsv ARRAY
>         nsv_set -default ARRAY KEY DEFAULTVALUE
>       Do nothing when ARRAY(KEY) has already a value.
>       Return an error, when DEFAULTVALUE is not provided.
>       Similar to SETNX in REDIS.
>   - Extended functionality of "ns_http"
>     -----------------------------------
>     * Changed return value for "ns_http run" and "ns_http wait".
>       Now the commands return attribute value pairs (Tcl dict).
>       Previously, the commands returned different results,
>       depending on the options
>       - "ns_http run" returned the name of the queued command (which
>         was completely useless, this the queued command was already
>         terminated)
>       - "ns_http wait" returned sometimes the body of the reply (when
>         the reply was not spooled) or empty (spooled) or "1", when the
>         option "-R" was specified
>       Now the result is always a dict containing "status" (HTTP status
>       code), "time" (elapsed time), "headers" (ns_set of the reply
>       header fields, and either the "body" (reply body) or "file" (the
>       name of the spooled file). The values in the dict might mirror
>       the result of other (optional) output variables, which continue
>       to work.
>       Since the results were irregular and not documented in the man
>       pages, the backward compatibility should be high. Also, the
>       regression test of NaviServer was not effected by this change.
>     * Support for asynchronous “ns_http” tasks:
>       When the new flag "-donecallback” is provided, then a “ns_http”
>       task is started in the background and does not require an
>       “ns_http wait” anymore. Instead, when it finishes it executes
>       the provided donecallback which receives as additional arguments
>       the Tcl result (in form of an integer) and the result dict,
>       returned otherwise from e.g. “ns_http run”.
>       As a consequence, requests of the form
>          ns_http queue … -donecallback …
>       differ from client requests without the callback
>       in the following points:
>       a) the command does not return a handle for “ns_http wait”
>       b) The command is not automatically cleaned up (canceled)
>          at the end of a connection requests
>       c) Typically, donecallbacks are executed in a different
>          thread than it was started.
>       Some more options, which were previously only valid on
>       “ns_http wait” (such as e.g. spoolsize) are now valid
>       for “ns_http queue” as well.
>       The new flag allows a developer to start many requests in
>       parallel without having to start many threads or complex
>       synchronization tasks.
>     * New option "-body_file" for "ns_http wait" (similar to "ns_http
>       queue" which can be used to specify a filename for the
>       downloaded content)
>     * New option "-outputfile" to "ns_http run" and "ns_http wait":
>       by specifying the option "-outputfile" the received file will be
>       always written to the disk, no matter how large it is.
>     * New subcommand "ns_http stats": returns a dict (flat list of
>       attributes and values). The list contains "task", "url",
>       "requestlength", "sent", "replylength" and "received".
>   - Support resolving a hostname against multiple IP addresses
>     ----------------------------------------------------------
>     * In case, one domain name has multiple IP addresses registered,
>       previous versions of NaviServer tried only the first returned
>       address and returned an error, when this failed. This happened
>       when using client functions (e.g. ns_http).
>     * host names with multiple IP addresses are nowadays quite common,
>       e.g. "localhost" having an IPv4 and an IPv6 address registered. In
>       previous versions, when e.g. localhost has as first address the IPv6
>       address, but IPv6 was not active, it returned an error.
>     * resolving against IP addresses continues to work as always.
>   - Extended crypto functionality
>     -----------------------------
>      * Added HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF)
>           ::ns_crypto::md hkdf -digest sha256 ....
>        (requires OpenSSL 1.1.0 or newer)
>      * Added support for elliptic curve cryptography
>         . ns_crypto::eckey import ?-string string? ?-encoding encoding?
>         . ns_crypto::eckey priv ?-pem pem? ?-encoding encoding?
>         . ns_crypto::eckey pub ?-pem pem? ?-encoding encoding?
>         . ns_crypto::eckey sharedsecret ?-pem pem? ?-encoding encoding? pubkey
>         . ns_crypto::eckey generate ?-name name? ?-pem pem?
>      * Added support for getting an arbitrary number of random bytes
>        based on crypto support on OpenSSL:
>         . ns_crypto::randombytes ?-encoding encoding? bytes
>      * Added support for Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data
>        (AEAD) scheme, which provides confidentiality, integrity, and 
> authenticity.
>         . ns_crypto::aead::encrypt string ?-aad aad? ?-cipher cipher? 
> ?-encoding encoding? ?-iv iv? ?-key key? input"
>         . ns_crypto::aead::decrypt string ?-aad aad? ?-cipher cipher? 
> ?-encoding encoding? ?-iv iv? ?-key key? ?-tag tag? input"
>      * Added "-encoding hex|base64url|base64" option for output encoding
>         for the crypto functions. Previously, all these functions returned the
>         result in "hex" format. If the option is not specified, the result
>         is the same as before (hex). The encoding option was added to the
>         following functions:
>         - ns_crypto::hmac string
>         - ns_crypto::hmac get
>         - ns_crypto::md string
>         - ns_crypto::md get
>         - ns_crypto::md vapidsign
>         - ns_crypto::enc
>   - "ns_connchan" improvements
>     --------------------------
>     * Callback suspension: a Tcl socket callback function might now
>       return the value "2" to flag that the callback will be
>       suspended, but it keeps the socket open. Previously, the Tcl
>       callback could return just "0" (callback is cancelled, socket is
>       closed) or "1" (continue callback handling, keep socket open).
>       This can be used to suspend callback handling on bottlenecks and
>       continue later, when situation improves.
>     * "ns_connchan write": The function returns now the number of
>       bytes sent, which might be less than the length of the data to
>       be sent.
>     * "ns_connchan list": the function returns now two more fields per
>       entry: a) cmd name of the callback (eases debugging, when
>       callbacks are changed dynamically) b) conditions used for
>       registering the callback.
>     * The "ns_connchan" callbacks are now listed via the nsstats
>       interface as well (with proper callback info).
>   - Added Possibility to add per-server "initcmds" to config file
>     -------------------------------------------------------------
>     This new feature provides an easy means to add command which
>     should be executed after server initialization into a configuration
>     files. By using the "initcmds" one can start multiple instances
>     of NaviServer differing just in the initialization command
>     by providing different config files. The "initcmds" approach
>     has the advantage over e.g. "ns_atserverstart" that it is
>     executed in a state when the server is fully initialized.
>   - Improved readability for config files
>     -------------------------------------
>     The "ns_section" command has new an optional last argument for the
>     parameters of its configuration section. Instead of writing e.g.
>        ns_section ns/parameters
>        ns_param serverlog    $logroot/error.log
>        ns_param pidfile      $logroot/
>        ns_param home         $homedir
>        #...
>     one can write now
>        ns_section ns/parameters {
>            ns_param serverlog   $logroot/error.log
>            ns_param pidfile     $logroot/
>            ns_param home        $homedir
>            #...
>        }
>     This block notation has two advantages: a) it shows clearly, where
>     the section ends and b) when using an editor with automatic
>     indentation, the log file looks nicer without manual indentation
>     work. This change is fully backward compatible, old style config
>     files continue to work.
>   - Further new commands and features
>     ---------------------------------
>     * "ns_hash": provide a interface for the HashStringKey() function
>       (very useful for e.g. cache partitioning)
>     * "ns_reflow_text".
>           ns_reflow_text ?-width width? ?-offset offset? ?-prefix prefix? 
> ?--? text
>       Tcl-based solutions are surprisingly slow on largish input.
>     * "ns_base64urlendcode", "ns_base64urldedcode": URL-save variants of 
> base64,
>       used in various new RFCs for passing base64 values in HTTP requests.
>    * "ns_uuid": runtime efficient version of a version 4 UUID
>       according to RFC 4122: A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID)
>       URN Namespace
>    * Improved results of [ns_cache_stats -contents ...]. The command
>      returns now a tcl list instead of a string, including reuse count.
>   - Improved results of "ns_striphtml":
>      * Added resolving of all HTML4 entities (including &nbsp; etc.)
>      * Stripped as well HTML comments.
> Performance Improvements:
> -------------------------
>   - Check for epoch updates on blue-prints as well in cleanup phase
>     (deallocate trace) to reduce latency for client requests.
> Bug Fixes:
> ----------
>   - Don't try to serve redirected files in case the connection is
>     already closed (will lead only to confusing messages)
>   - Ns_IsBinaryMimeType(): When a chartype is specified, never assume
>     the mimetype is binary.
>   - ns_getformfile: Don't rely on global variables
>     (see
>     Before this change, Depending on configured values,
>     ns_getformfile could have missed uploaded files.
>   - Added missing fetch commands for obtaining handles (on obviously
>     seldom used subcommands "ns_db setexception|sp_setparam")
>   - ns_http:
>     * Timeout and connection behavior show works now consistent
>       for HTTP and HTTPS URLs.
>     * Fixed a potential bug (infinite loop) when requests
>       run into timeouts.
>   - "ns_set print": align with documented behavior
>   - "ns_parseurl": make results more robust, when a URL with a colon
>     in the path was given, but no port provided (detected a port
>     incorrectly)
>   - "ns_parseformfile": handle also www-form-urlencoded (in
>      addition to multipart/form-data as before)
>   - Windows:
>     * Make sure to create temporary files correctly under windows (many
>       thanks to Oleg Oleinik)
>     * Incorrect handle was used to perform operations on the
>       process in Ns_WaitForProcess (many thanks to Oleg Oleinik)
> Documentation improvements:
> ---------------------------
>   - Updated several man pages
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> Tcl API Changes:
> ----------------
>   - "ns_conn isconnected": returns now false, when the connection is
>      already closed. Otherwise we have to add a new subcommand
>      "ns_conn closed", which seems somewhat odd (isconnected true and
>      closed true?)
>   - "ns_cache_stats" returns now hitrate in form of a float instead of
>     an integer.
> C API Changes:
> --------------
>    - Ns_SockTimedConnect2() returns now Ns_ReturnCode to be able to
>      distinguish between timeouts and errors
>    - Ns_SockConnectError(): new call to provide consistent error messages
>      and to set Tcl error info consistently
> Configuration Changes:
> ----------------------
>   - Use same initialization for "enablelclpages" when configured over
>     "ns/server/$server" or over "ns/server/$server/adp" to avoid subtle
>     differences on global variables.
>   - Extended sample config files:
>     * nsd-config.tcl
>        . Added parameter "masklogaddr" for "nslog" section
>        . Added parameter for "gzip" and "brotli" static delivery
>        . Added parameter for "initcmds"
>        . Added setting for recommended environment variables
>          HOME, LANG and RANDFILE. RANDFILE is sometimes needed
>           to avoid surprises with permissions, when OpenSSL
>           crypto functions are called from the server
>     * openacs-config.tcl
>        . Switched to PostgreSQL's conninfo notation in the datasource
>          to hint that more such parameters are possible as well
>          (e.g. connections via SSL)
>        . Added comments and examples for configuring OpenACS caches
>        . Added comments how to configure EmailDeliveryMode via config file
>        . Added comments how to configure IncludeCallingInfo of OpenACS API 
> browser
>        . Added comments how to configure WithDeprecatedCode
>        . Added example for activating more intense SQL logging
>        . Added subsite-based error pages
>        . Added section indicating how to configure for nsstats module
>        . Added parameter settings for "reuseport"
>        . Added parameter "masklogaddr" for "nslog" section
>        . Added parameter for "brotli" static delivery
>        . Preconfigure customized error pages based on subsites
>   - Config files changed to block notation (see above)
>   - Improved handling of configuration errors:
>     * Provided better log message, when configured value is out of range
>     * Updated config values when range check corrects the value to get the
>       finally configured value via introspection.
> Code Changes:
> -------------
>   - Extended regression test:
>         * tests/adp.test
>         * tests/compat.test
>         * tests/http.test
>         * tests/ns_base64.test
>         * tests/ns_base64encode.test
>         * tests/ns_cache.test
>         * tests/ns_conn.test
>         * tests/ns_crypto.test
>         * tests/ns_nsv.test
>         * tests/ns_parseurl.test
>         * tests/ns_reflow_text.test
>         * tests/ns_server.test
>         * tests/ns_striphtml.test
>  - Added version tag of NaviServer to "starting" message in log file
>    to ease analysis in case of problems.
>  - Implemented deprecated commands as Tcl proc and complain on
>    its usage
>       . ns_adp_eval
>       . ns_adp_safeeval
>   - Improved Platform support:
>     * Extended list of platforms for manual provisioning of __PRIPTR_PREFIX
>       in case it is not defined.
>     * Do not rely on implementation defined print/scan format "%p",
>       but use instead standardized integer types.
>     * Windows:
>       . Improved type-cleanness (many thanks to Oleg Oleinik)
>       . Support to compile with MSVC 2017 (many thanks to Oleg Oleinik)
>       . When compiling with VS 2012, use built-in support for
>         intptr_t and uintptr_t.
>       . Added support to run regression test under Windows
>         (many thanks to Oleg Oleinik)
>   - Changed preset encodings (when not specified in config file) for
>     files with extensions .htm, .html, and .adp from iso8859-1 to
>     utf-8.
>   - Improved debugging support:
>     * Added compiler-flag NS_MUTEX_NAME_DEBUG for ease locating
>       anonymous mutexes.
>     * Provided names for all remaining mutexes to make it easier
>       to pinpoint bottlenecks due to mutexes
>     * Improve debugging output in various messages, when debugging
>       options are activated.
>   - Minor update of mime types based on actual IANA media types.
>   - Provided compatibility with Tcl 8.7.2 (removed CONST and VOID macros)
>   - Further improved robustness by avoiding potential NULL dereferences
>     found be static code analyzers (mostly error cases)
>   - Improved configure scripts
>   - Make sure, we have enough space for the terminating null character
>   - Added "pure" specifier for improved code generation
>   - Various code smell removals
>     * Prefer boolean type over int
>     * Improved type cleanness
>     * Reduced implicit conversions
>     * Reduced number of return statements before end of function
>     * Don't pass implementation-defined NULL after the last typed argument
>       to a variadic function
>     * Removed dead assignments
>     * Added "const" declarations
>     * Fixed typos, improved comments
> Modules:
> --------
>  - nsdbbdb (many thanks to Brendan Graves):
>    * Changed to work with FreeTDS 1.00.86
>    * Updated outdated paths.
>  - nsdbpg:
>    * Added sample configuration to include hints how to use SSL
>      connections to the database
>    * Provided compatibility with Tcl 8.7.2
>    * Minor code cleanups
>  - nssmtpd, nsdns, nstftpd, nsradiusd, nsdbi, nsdbipg:
>    * Brought code in sync with the current code base (including IPv6, 8.7.2 
> compat)
>    * Improved spelling
>  - nsphp (many thanks to Anthony Bennett):
>    * Refactored for newer versions of NaviServer
>    * Improved README and spelling
>  - nsstats:
>    * Added results to "ns_connchan list" to per-server info
>    * Added optional query parameter "raw=0|1" to switch between
>      raw and prettified numbers
>    * Improved number prettification
>    * Added optional query parameter "max=..." for controlling the number of
>      per-cache entries shown (default 50)
>    * Improved cache statistics: added hits/req, saved/req, saved/hit; dropped 
> saved/KB
>    * Improved mutex statistics: added locks/req, potential locks/req, 
> potential locks per second
>    * Added summative statistics to mutex locks page
>    * Made background locks (locks, not included in per-request statistics)
>      configurable via NaviServer config file
>    * Various other small changes and beautifications (use more CSS)
>    * Bumped version to 1.8
>  - nsoracle:
>    * Fixed potential crash when oci_error_p is called with dbh == NULL
>      (many thanks to Oleg Oleinik)
>    * Some more code cleanup and improved spellings.
>  - websocket:
>    * Fixed potential bug: make sure that upgrade header is sent as a single 
> block.
>    * More minor code cleanup.
>  - revproxy:
>    * Fixed potential blocking conditions when send buffer of OS overflows.
>      With "-sendtimeout 0" a call to "ns_connchan write" might write less
>      bytes than desired; In this case, callbacks are suspended and continue
>      when the situation improves.
>    * Added new switches "-sendtimeout" and "-receivetimeout" to 
> revproxy::upstream
>    * Added "-backend_reply_callback" to ::revproxy::upstream to allow proxy 
> the
>      modification of backend header fields per request.
>    * Bumped version number to 0.11
>  - letsencrypt:
>    * Modernized code: use built-in ns_base64urlencode (requires 4.99.17)
>    * Changed order of certificates in pem file (private key first)
>    * Don't hard-code OpenSSL dir on OS (many thanks to Stefan Sobernig)
>  - nswebpush:
>    * New module for implementing Web Push via NaviServer
>      (Many thanks to Georg Prohaska)
>    * For details, see:
>  _______________________________________________
> naviserver-devel mailing list
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