it should be HEADERS iso HEADER
2016-08-02 10:44 GMT+02:00 Francesco Chiesa :
> I, i try to import a file csv with this command in cypher:
> load csv with header from
> "file:///C:/Users/Standard/Documents/esempio.csv" as airports create
> (a1:Airport {label: airports.label, city:,
Hi, anyone knows why I am getting this error?
'beginning implicit transaction' cannot be done when a session is in the
This is using java-driver v1.0.4 and bolt 3.0.4
It looks that this is happening when the driver is doing a hasNext.
Is that starting an implicit
I'm building a little test app as a way to learn Angular and refresh myself
on a lot of the Spring stack. I have some minor experience with Neo4J, but
the app idea has ground with a graph db like Neo4j.
The idea is pretty simple, a ui to create characters and stories, and
relate the characte
Hi all,
we are getting into a deadlock scenario when we have multiple concurrent
threads that are deleting/creating relationships.
I'm not sure why we are getting them but as we are updating most of the
relationships to the same nodes we are getting into something like this:
We have
I, i try to import a file csv with this command in cypher:
load csv with header from "file:///C:/Users/Standard/Documents/esempio.csv"
as airports create (a1:Airport {label: airports.label, city:,
state: airports.state})
But Neo4j displays an error:
Invalid input ' ': expected 's/S
Thanks Michael. That first query helped a lot.
The second one is not working. I think it's because you are not defining
"rel" anywhere.
El domingo, 24 de julio de 2016, 16:14:08 (UTC-3), Michael Hunger escribió:
> All your optional matches, what cardinality do they have? at most 1 or
> more?
Request for Guidance:
Seeking examples of applied game theory using a NEO4j. Looking for
assistance with designing & building complex game theory for a set of use
cases in a startup organization. Let me know if you can share a working
example and if you are open to an initial conversati
Yesterday, in my graph db Node Id allocation was upto 5.5 million, and
today it is reduced to 4.8 million.
In my application I have no delete commands yet. Am i losing my old data ?
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hi, i want to modify the source of the neo4j . i meet the same issue.
On Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at 1:32:27 AM UTC+8, Michael Hunger wrote:
> Is this in the hello-world test-project or in a project you could share on
> github?
> Thanks a lot
> Michael
> Am 10.06.2014 um 14:35 schrieb be
I am using Scala Version "2.11.8" and trying to create user defined
procedure with this.
AFAIK procedure takes Only static fields and @Context-annotated fields are
allowed in Procedure classes, so I have created punlic variable as @Context
in Java and extend that file in Scala file and create ja
Hi Michael,
I am trying to connect Neo4j 3.0.1 and ElasticSearch 2.3.2. I have followed
every step provided by the people at GraphAware
but i still can't get the two to work together. Any suggestions on the same.
Yayati Sule
Associate Data Scientist
Innoplexus Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd
11 matches
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