the mentiones ansi-incits docs 499 and 525)
Thanks for all reactions
regards koen
Op woensdag 3 januari 2018 11:08:24 UTC+1 schreef koen:
> Hi, a cypher question. How can you check if 2 (or more) different nodes in
> a graph have relationships to multiple other (shared) nodes in
WHERE = "u1"
WITH u, COLLECT(oa) AS Attributes
MATCH (o:Object)
WHERE ALL( x IN Attributes WHERE (o)-[*]->(x) )
RETURN u, Collect(o) AS Objects
Thanks for you reply !
regards koen
2018-01-04 14:23 GMT+01:00 Craig Taverner :
> Hi Koen,
> As I
iple paths from
different nodes to a set of shared nodes in the middle.. any help is
reg koen
Op woensdag 3 januari 2018 11:08:24 UTC+1 schreef koen:
> Hi, a cypher question. How can you check if 2 (or more) different nodes in
> a graph have relationships to multiple o
anyone has experience with the neo4j version of this policy machine for
implementing abac - as opposite to xacml based abac implementations?
Thanks Koen
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Hi, this seems to work (with file:/// .. i.e 3 slashed) although i assumed
that the file location could be relative to the import directory and i did
not get a file not found error .. anyways .. thanks !
regards koen
2017-12-13 14:45 GMT+01:00 'Michael Hunger' via Neo
I can access apoc function and procedures and i also added the statement to the
conf file to allow import via xml (apoc.import.file.enabled=true'
It can find the xml file
Any ideas ? Do i need more cypher around it to just load it (as a first step'
many than ks
regards koen
{w:w} ...
orby some trial / error for my use case it was {x:x , y:y} ..
(since i provided a node x and a listy to the apoc procedure
Where is that document ? Or can i interpret that from the apoc help info ?
thanks koen
2017-12-01 7:37 GMT+01:00 Kamal Murthy :
> Hi Koen,
> He
w to apply that specific procedure for this use case ?
Thanks Koen
2017-11-30 19:29 GMT+01:00 Kamal Murthy :
> Hi Koen,
> Create a conditional statement by using FOREACH. If there’s a value for
> your condition then it loops once and set the property and if not no
> proper
params:{}) yield value - given a list of conditional / writing query pairs,
executes the query associated with the first conditional evaluating to true
(or the else query if none are true) with the given parameters"
It looks like the square brackets should be around a single condition /
query pai
nctions no call stetement in front i guess
2017-11-29 20:30 GMT+01:00 Kamal Murthy :
> Hi Koen,
> It is missing WITH line statement. Try this:
> FROM "file:///test.csv" AS line FIELDTERMINATOR ';'
active and show in the browser (when running the list procedutes /
functions command) and without the -- uuid: call apoc.create.uuid() --
part the query works fine
Do i have to do / configure something so that i can use apoc functions in
queries ? Or is the query syntax not ok ?
Thanks Koe
thanks michael
i copied a database from the 3.3 community edition across so that might be
the reason.
#2 was more kind of suggestion to automate the update of the conf file if
you download the plugin library.. but i already did it manually
best regards koen
2017-11-28 21:41 GMT+01:00 'Mi
As an update for #1. it now seems that the :queries command seems to works
as expected. Not sure what has been changed besides adding*
to the conf file .. anyways thats nice..
Op dinsdag 28 november 2017 16:31:00 UTC+1 schreef koen:
> Hi all,
-algo-" and it would be nice if that would popup
in the plugins part too ? And result in a neo4j.conf line item to enable
Regards Koen
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Hi, actualy i do more or less the same
regards koen
2017-11-21 4:29 GMT+01:00 Liping Huang :
> Hi Koen,
> I have the same requirements and I do it in follow way:
> MERGE (n:NodeLabel{id: {id}})
> n.XXX = YYY,
> ..
n2.prop2 = row.prop2
> // get-or-create-relationship
> MERGE (n1)-[rel:REL]->(n2)
> SET rel.prop = row.relProp
> On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 2:52 PM, Koen Kleingeld
> wrote:
>> Hi andy, i am already using the merge command which works fine to create
Hi andy, i am already using the merge command which works fine to create
unique records but i also want to be able to for example update / change an
attribute on an existing node .. i maybe have to do some more testing with
all merge options ..
2017-08-21 10:12 GMT+02:00 LAW Andy :
> K
file )
only that specific property would be updated in that specific node and
nothing would change to the other rels / nodes .. so what are the cypher
statements that make this happen ..
Thanks Koen
Op maandag 21 augustus 2017 06:22:12 UTC+2 schreef koen:
> Hi, a generic question.
delta import
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ok will do thx
2017-08-13 13:33 GMT+02:00 'Michael Hunger' via Neo4j <>:
> Can you raise this as an issue on the neo4j-browser repo?
> Von meinem iPhone gesendet
> Am 13.08.2017 um 03:06 schrieb koen :
> Hi, i noticed that the ne
be deleted..
any ideas ?
Using firefox and latest version of neo4j 3.2.3
regards koen
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Hi thanks, i found a later version that worked too
reg koen
2017-03-25 5:32 GMT+01:00 sundeep pv :
> Hello Koen,
> I kind of ran into the same issue with 3.1.1 and apoc- jar.
> however the issue was with one of the config file entry that I messed up a
> bit when I
> Yes that's the intent :)
> That's why exists
> Von meinem iPhone gesendet
> Am 15.03.2017 um 09:19 schrieb koen :
> Withapoc- i get some (less) errors but it starts
> Withapoc- it starts without any errors ...
Withapoc- i get some (less) errors but it starts
Withapoc- it starts without any errors ...
thanks koen
Op woensdag 15 maart 2017 08:01:42 UTC+1 schreef koen:
> Hi, just installed neo4j 3.1.2 (from 64bit zip on w7) and when starting it
> fails when
With apoc- i get similar error messages
regards koen
Op woensdag 15 maart 2017 08:01:42 UTC+1 schreef koen:
> Hi, just installed neo4j 3.1.2 (from 64bit zip on w7) and when starting it
> fails when the apoc- jar is present in the plugins folder (w
regards koen
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and chgrp all files and dirs to neo4j/nogroup) .. but now it shows the
properties as expected..
thanks anyways
Op maandag 6 februari 2017 21:35:24 UTC+1 schreef koen:
> hi, i installed neo4j on debian and copied my database from a windows
> install to the debian server.
2017-02-07 10:48 GMT+01:00 'Michael Hunger' via Neo4j <>:
> What happens if you explicitely return properties from your cypher query?
> Perhaps you forgot the property store or the permissions are wrong?
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 9:53 AM, Ko
version of neo4j
Any clue ?
thanks koen
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december 2016 15:50:34 UTC+1 schreef koen:
> Hi, i a recent post of Rik i saw that starting with neo4j 3.1 you can
> display a picture / icon representing a node in the browser _i.s.o. the
> circle) ,, where is it documented how to do that ?
> thanks koen
t see that specified in the apoc users guide ..
ps. i managed to getthis specific one to work with ... call
apoc.export.csv.all("test.csv",{} ) but i would like to see what are
possbilities for each apoc procedure
thanks koen
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>> wrote:
>> It is only a fixed icon set. And the label-icon mapping is done in the
>> grass aka :style config.
>> There is no custom images / icons and none derived from properties
>> unfortunately.
>> Michael
uration sidebar. If
> you check that you have the icons.
> Von meinem iPhone gesendet
> Am 28.12.2016 um 09:42 schrieb koen :
> hi, any ideas here ? would like to use that functionality too.. adds great
> value when displaying the graph imho
> reg koen
Hi, any input here ? streaming properties to gephi would be very handy imho
thanks reg koen
Op donderdag 22 december 2016 15:34:36 UTC+1 schreef koen:
> Hi, i am using neo4j combined with gephi for visualization. This works ok
> but i cannot manage to stream node properties to ge
hi, any ideas here ? would like to use that functionality too.. adds great
value when displaying the graph imho
reg koen
Op maandag 26 december 2016 15:50:34 UTC+1 schreef koen:
> Hi, i a recent post of Rik i saw that starting with neo4j 3.1 you can
> display a picture / icon repre
Hi Tom, i saw it it riks blog
2016-12-26 15:52 GMT+01:00 Tom Zeppenfeldt :
> Koen,
> are you referring to this tweet of by Rik ?
> rvanbruggen/status/804407817952174084
> On
Hi, i a recent post of Rik i saw that starting with neo4j 3.1 you can
display a picture / icon representing a node in the browser _i.s.o. the
circle) ,, where is it documented how to do that ?
thanks koen
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hi, looks like it although i do not want to stream all attributes.
2016-12-22 15:46 GMT+01:00 Santiago Videla :
> Hi,
> It seems related to this issue in Github:
> contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures/issues/113
> On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 11:34 AM, koen
e :Location labelled nodes are also streamed ?
Thanks Koen
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always tend to use "graph"
like / kind of pictures to illustrate (even if the underlying technology is
not a graph db)..
Thanks Koen
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"Neo4j" group.
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hi michael , thanks !, will try it the other way around ..
reg Koen
2016-08-22 16:45 GMT+02:00 'Michael Hunger' via Neo4j <>:
> In general clauses are not supported within CASE only expressions.
> Fortunately you can rewrite your query
" THEN MATCH (session:Session:P2)-->(grandprix:GrandPrix {id:
WHEN "P3" THEN MATCH (session:Session:P3)-->(grandprix:GrandPrix {id:
MERGE (incident)-[:SESSION]->(session)
thanks koen
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Groeten / Best Regards,
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Neo4j" group.
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Groeten / Best Regards,
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Hi, are there any plans for updating the Gephi neo4j plugin for supporting
gephi 0.9.1 with te latest neo4j relases ?
thanks koen
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ght} ' doe not work.. is there a way to do this ?
regards koen
Op vrijdag 6 mei 2016 04:53:30 UTC+2 schreef Tim Colson:
> TIL that I can export a grass file, edit the colors in Intellij, drag it
> to the Neo browser, *et voila* - my "Space" wiki nodes are *always* a
Hi All, i noticed that neo4j is used as part of a Coursera online course
named "Graph Analytics for Big Data" which started yesterday.
It can be found on:
Refer to the week 3 lectures.
Best Regards Koen
You rec
ok, this works now.. thx for quick response !
reg koen
2015-06-30 16:13 GMT+02:00 Michael Hunger
> No
> data/graph.db
> Is the correct location
> Von meinem iPhone gesendet
> Am 30.06.2015 um 16:03 schrieb Koen Kleingeld :
> Hi, this is my import c
> Von meinem iPhone gesendet
> Am 30.06.2015 um 15:42 schrieb koen :
> Hi, i just started playing around with the new import tool (through
> windows command line) and after importing some nodes / relations i receive
> a message from the importer saying that it has suc
browser , change the initial password and execute a simple cypher query (MATCH
(n) RETURN n LIMIT 10) and i was expecting to see my nodes but there is
nothing in there ... any clues ?
reg koen
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hi michael, thanks ! The following worked for me :
export-graphml -o "c:/neo4jdata/test.graphml" -r
so indeed no url format, forward slashed and the -r option was required also
reg koen
2015-03-09 19:09 GMT+01:00 Michael Hunger
> I think the difference is that import-graphml
jdata\test.graphml (The filename, directory name, or volume
label syntax is incorrect)
any clues ?
thx koen
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github issue #100
thx kon
Op woensdag 28 mei 2014 07:10:21 UTC+2 schreef [:Koen]:
> Hi, would it be possible to add some basic error logging to the jexp batch
> importer especially for the situation where some records are "skipped" as
> part of the rels loading
hi, thx . i will do so..
thx koen
as a temp solution ...
since i am not really a programmer (i can edit / compile the source ..)
i wonder if it would be possible to give a small hint / code piece to be
included in that part of the file in order to echo the specific id that
fails to
814 Relationships skipped (2) took 0 seconds
Total import time: 1 seconds
i would like to know which relationships have been skipped ...
thx koen
Op woensdag 28 mei 2014 07:10:21 UTC+2 schreef [:Koen]:
> Hi, would it be possible to add some basic error logging to the jexp
esolve the input
file ..
maybe there is already a possibility to see what has been skipped in these
cases ?
thx koen
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o 2.1.M01 ?
> Michael
> Am 01.05.2014 um 11:42 schrieb Koen Kleingeld :
> i went back to 2.0.2 iso 2.1 and did not experience that specific issue
> if i come across it again i will share my db
> thx koen
> 2014-05-01 11:22 GMT+02:00 Michae
Hi, i mentioned it before but it would be great if the browser could draw
the rels between nodes in such a way that they do not overlap each other if
you have multiple rels between 2 nodes... maybe a curved line ..
thx koen
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i went back to 2.0.2 iso 2.1 and did not experience that specific issue if i come across it again i will share my db
thx koen
2014-05-01 11:22 GMT+02:00 Michael Hunger
> Would you be able to share your db?
> Michael
> Am 21.04.2014 um 17:28 schrieb [:Koen] :
more natural way to handle it in Neo4j.
> --
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> F
Hi.. any clues ?.. i would assume a result must be returned.. i was using
2.1 milestone edition btw
thx koen
Op zaterdag 19 april 2014 14:58:28 UTC+2 schreef [:Koen]:
> Hi, i experience some strange results
> the following standard query gives me no results although i am 100%
.. since you add layer of complexity..
reg koen
2014-04-18 8:47 GMT+02:00 Aseem Kishore :
> Example: users following other users.
> Is there any advantage/disadvantage to directly connecting users with
> relationships, vs. indirectly connecting them via nodes?
> E.g.
I can't even think of.)
> Thanks!
> Aseem
> --
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oeps .. typo.. i mean ("likes" must have been "knows")
Op zaterdag 29 maart 2014 07:41:36 UTC+1 schreef [:Koen]:
> Hi, i am considering how to capture the "date/time" dimension efficiently
> in a graph. The
elation is set
So ... has anyone experience with this way of working ? Would that somehow
be manageable in a really huge graph ?
Other ideas ? I made the assumption that the time dimension must be
captured in relations iso attributes since that is what a graph is good at
thx for any addl idea
gt; "Neo4j" group.
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the query looks pretty straightforward but i am no expert
you could try to gradually increase to see when issues arise. 1..2 1..3
1..4 1..5 etc . and whatif you use the shortestpath function
2014-03-25 9:32 GMT+01:00 Antonio Grimaldi :
> Hi Koen
> I have not included the lim
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Groeten / Best Regards,
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chaneg your thinking 180 degreees ..
ps.. what would really help me maybe to better structure my queries would
be some kind of normalized syntax decription for cypher ((e)bnf) ..
reg koen
2014-03-23 15:09 GMT+01:00 Tom Zeppenfeldt :
> hard to say without any idea about the far m
2 sets ...
reg koen
2014-03-23 14:53 GMT+01:00 Tom Zeppenfeldt :
> as an idea , not tested..
> match p=(n)-[:REL1*]->(m)
> where NOT n-[:REL2*]->m
> return n,m
> or return p
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the
een the same begin/end nodes
NOW ... i want to know for what path from my 1st match there is no
secondary path found based on REL2
so actually what im looking for is the difference between the 1st
collection of paths and the 2nd collection of paths ..
any ideas ?
thx koen
maybe ?
2) what about a relation pointing to itself i do not see that one
3) i cannot change the text for a relation .for example to represent one of
the other propoerties . it always displays the name
thx koen
Op dinsdag 15 oktober 2013 22:11:59 UTC+2 schreef Peter Neubauer:
73 matches
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