
i am working on Neo4j-3.0 enterprise database, i have 1 billion around data 
which is connected each other.
Right now, i am using Cypher-3.0 queries to search friends upto 3rd level 
depth and i have seen that its taking lot of time like 1/2 minutes or more 
than that. i have already optimised query at various level like indexes 
etc. but not getting significant performance. I am expecting results in 
milliseconds but response time is very bad.

Here is query:
p=(c:contact_info{phoneNumber:'56276736'})-[r:knows*1..3]->(d:contact_info) *
*WHERE d.phoneNumber <> '56276736' and LOWER(d.fullname) CONTAINS 'sin'*
*WITH LAST(NODES(p)) as d,LENGTH(p) as deg order by deg*
deg)) as deg order by deg;*

Suggest me, Shall i move to Traversal API or Procedures ???, if it is right 
then how much faster it is?

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