Hello everyone,

I'm newbie about Neo4j and I couldn't solve some problems. If you answer my
questions, I'll be very pleased.

My graph is very simple, there is only one type node and every node has
only one type property.
Node A is related with Node B and Node C is related with Node B and Node E
is related with Node E etc.....

*Question 1*
I want to find relations between Node X and Node Y but I want that Node X
and Node Y wouldn't have any other relations. I mean, Node X and Node Y has
only one relation with each other.

How can I write cypher query or is there any other solution?

*Question 2*
My graph is big, maybe it contains 10 billions nodes and relations. But I
want to find a small graph(for example 5 nodes) is not connected with any
other node except these 5 nodes. Namely, I want to find small and closed

How can I write cypher query or is there any other solution?


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