[Neo4j] Re: check for multiple labels or not a label

2014-11-25 Thread Renuka Jadhav
Hi Andrii, Thanks alot, that does help my case :) Regards, Renuka. On Monday, November 24, 2014 4:01:33 PM UTC+5:30, Andrii Stesin wrote: > > Do you want both (n1) and (n2) to match your criteria (and be labeled > :A:B:C) or only (n2) ? > > Do you need to match only nodes which are connected wi

[Neo4j] check for multiple labels or not a label

2014-11-24 Thread Renuka Jadhav
Hi, I want to run a cypher query which will return me all the nodes of label A,B,C but not of label D. I tried using below query : MATCH (n1)-[:R1:R2*0..]->(n2:A:B:C) RETURN n1,n2 but I get 0 result. is there a way where I could say return all nodes except of label D ? Regards, Renuka. -- You

Re: [Neo4j] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.neo4j.rest.graphdb.entity.RestNode.getLabels()Ljava/lang/Iterable;

2014-11-04 Thread Renuka Jadhav
any thoughts ? On Monday, November 3, 2014 2:56:08 PM UTC+5:30, Renuka Jadhav wrote: > > not sure how!! but somehow my neo4j-rest-graphdb-2.0.1.pom (in my M2_REPO > ) was having > 1.9.2 so changed it to > 2.0.1 and run again, its getting correct > jars now in my l

Re: [Neo4j] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.neo4j.rest.graphdb.entity.RestNode.getLabels()Ljava/lang/Iterable;

2014-11-03 Thread Renuka Jadhav
org.neo4j:neo4j-lucene-index:jar:1.9.2:compile > > but in the original pom of rest-graph-db it says: 2.0.1 > > > see: > > http://m2.neo4j.org/content/repositories/releases/org/neo4j/neo4j-rest-graphdb/2.0.1/neo4j-rest-graphdb-2.0.1.pom > > On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 9:51 AM,

Re: [Neo4j] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.neo4j.rest.graphdb.entity.RestNode.getLabels()Ljava/lang/Iterable;

2014-11-03 Thread Renuka Jadhav
;> >>> When ever you get an AbstractMethodError or NoClassDefFoundError, always >>> check that all the Neo4j jars on your classpath are of the same version. >>> >>> -- >>> Chris Vest >>> System Engineer, Neo Technology >>> [ skype: mr.chrisv

Re: [Neo4j] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.neo4j.rest.graphdb.entity.RestNode.getLabels()Ljava/lang/Iterable;

2014-11-03 Thread Renuka Jadhav
risvest, twitter: chvest ] > > > On 03 Nov 2014, at 08:11, Renuka Jadhav > wrote: > > Hi , > > I am using Neo4j release 2.1.4 as my DB. and neo4j-rest-graphdb-2.0.1.jar > in my application to connect to Neo4j. > everything was working fine untill i wanted to use node.g

[Neo4j] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.neo4j.rest.graphdb.entity.RestNode.getLabels()Ljava/lang/Iterable;

2014-11-02 Thread Renuka Jadhav
Hi , I am using Neo4j release 2.1.4 as my DB. and neo4j-rest-graphdb-2.0.1.jar in my application to connect to Neo4j. everything was working fine untill i wanted to use node.getLabels() method which is throwing below exception : *Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.neo

[Neo4j] how to pass dynamic property list to Neo4j through java

2014-10-22 Thread Renuka Jadhav
Hi, I want to write a query like "MATCH (n:Person {params})-[*0..]->(x) RETURN x" (i know this is not correct query syntax and it wont work this way!) where "params" is a Map as expected by Neo4J, however not sure if Neo4J supports something like this where it gets the key:value pairs of prope