following your procedure I get in data/graph.db/messages.log:
Caused by: java.security.InvalidKeyException: IOException : DER input,
Integer tag error
at sun.security.pkcs.PKCS8Key.decode(PKCS8Key.java:350) ~[na:1.7.0_80]
at sun.security.pkcs.PKCS8Key.decode(PKCS8Key.java:356
Following up on modelling approach 1) Michael sketched previously:
With 50k trucks using a separate relationship type per truck is a bad
idea since atm Neo4j supports 65k different relationship types.
Just as a stupid idea to discuss:
* how about using 10k relationships types for all the trucks?
Have you tried to set the "u" flag as well?
MATCH (n) WHERE n.Name =~ '(?iu)иван.*' return n
2015-01-16 17:29 GMT+01:00 Andrii Stesin :
> Same here: I added all possible environment variables into startup script
> with (once again) no success so far with 2.2-M01 as well. Will try
Hi Mark,
that is definitely a different issue compared to what we've solved
yesterday. Please provide the original datastore (just like yesterday)
via dropbox and share it with me directly.
2014-11-28 12:42 GMT+01:00 Mark Findlater :
> Yesterday Stefan Armbruster kindly h
>>> Am 30.08.2014 um 00:22 schrieb Alireza Rezaei Mahdiraji >> gmail.com>:
>>> Hi Stefan,
>>> I tied the Java code, it seems running but the nodes and relationships
>>> are not getting deleted.
Since you can run cypher from java the following would be a valid (but
probably not expected) answer:
new ExecutionEngine(graphDb).execute("match (n:MyLabel) optional
match(n)-[r]-() delete r,n");
In pure Java:
try (Transaction tx=graphDb.beginTx()) {
for (Node n:
see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21841794/does-google-cloud-support-neo4j
2014-08-22 6:34 GMT+02:00 abhijith K :
> Hi,
> Is there support to have neo4j on Google App Engine. We have a app
> running on Google App engine and need to add the SOCIAL dimension to it.
> Could you p
Did you apply the changed config? Either by a reboot or `sudo sysctl --system`.
2014-08-19 21:23 GMT+02:00 Daniel Wertheim :
> Still the same.
> //Daniel
> On Tuesday, 19 August 2014 09:58:12 UTC+2, Stefan Armbruster wrote:
>> Regarding the first warning: on
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 19, 2014, at 4:06, Stefan Armbruster wrote:
>> Clark,
>> you need to explicitly set execution_guard_enabled=false when creating
>> your GraphDatabaseService instance, e.g. via GraphDatabaseFactory. If
you need to explicitly set execution_guard_enabled=false when creating
your GraphDatabaseService instance, e.g. via GraphDatabaseFactory. If
the guard is enabled, you can retrieve a reference to it using the
dependency manager (see
Regarding the first warning: on Ubuntu you need to set the limits in a
seperate file within `/etc/security/limits.d` directory. E.g. I'm
using `/etc/security/limits.d/neo4j.conf` with these contents:
* softnofile 4
* hardnofile 4
2014-08-18 21:14 GMT+02:00 Dan
This looks like the JDK you're using does not have classes from
"com.sun.management" aboard. Don't know much about JDKs on AIX, but I
guess you're using a IBM JDK? Maybe check if OpenJDK (if this exsits
for AIX) works better?
2014-08-15 20:32 GMT+02:00 Siah :
> Hi I'm working on porting NEo4j on
Neo4j Enterprise edition features JMX beans for NodeCache and
Relationship cache. These beans have a clear() method that clears the
respective cache, see
2014-07-14 14:07 GMT+02:00 Nigel Small :
> I think Michael's
depending on your Linux distribution, the binary 'lsof' might not be
preinstalled. Use the package manage (apt-get, rpm, ) to install the
lsof package - for details check out docs of your distribution.
2014-07-03 16:06 GMT+02:00 Sagun Pai :
> Hello all,
> I am using Neo4j 2.0.3 Com
You can create an auto index on relationships for the timestamp
property, see http://docs.neo4j.org/chunked/stable/auto-indexing.html
for details.
NB: schema indexes are not available for relationships.
2014-06-12 11:13 GMT+02:00 Sotiris Beis :
> Hi,
> I want to create a databas
the most easy way is to use single:// style backups: ./neo4j-backup
-full -from single://x.x.x.x -to ~/backup-path.
Using ha:// had some issues, therefore in Neo4j 2.1.x it's
./neo4j-backup -from x.x.x.x -to
2014-06-12 1:15 GMT+02:00 Erk :
> I'm running neo4j 1.9.7 in HA mode with 2 inst
Neo4j's clustering model is a master-slave replication. Each cluster
member has a copy of the full graph enabling doing read operations
without cluster intercommunication - and therefore scales reads almost
2014-06-02 2:35 GMT+02:00 Bernardo Hermont :
> Hi all,
> I
java.lang.String) is your friend.
2014-05-27 14:37 GMT+02:00 Sriram Puttagunta :
> Can se be able to find the shortest path using the distances which are
> properties of the relati
You should make sure that you do clean shutdowns, e.g. by `neo4j stop`.
In case of a hardware failure or just killing the processes, unclean
shutdowns can happen. Recovering from them happens gracefully upon
next startup in most cases. In some rare cases some manual action
inside the graph.db dire
Does it run through when dropping all constraints/indexes ?
2014-05-28 15:57 GMT+02:00 Ben :
> I tried dropping the two constraints and re-running the backup. The
> consistency checker made it further along this time ~95% but appears to have
> hung again, this time no errors, it's just hung.
START src=node(100)
MATCH src-[:KNOWS*2..3]-dest
WHERE NOT (src)-[:KNOWS]-(dest)
2014-05-29 7:27 GMT+02:00 Frandro :
> I'd like to get connected nodes from 2-depths to 3-depths with KNOWS edges.
> The cypher query is like this.
> START src=node(100) MATCH src-[
In enterprise edition, the size of store files is exposed by JMX, see
You can use neo4j-shell to query them:
echo 'dbinfo -g "Store file sizes" ArrayStoreSize PropertyStoreSize
StringStoreSize' | bin/neo4j-shell
This group uses English language. So please repost your question in
English or use the French group at
2014-05-02 18:30 GMT+02:00 hiba lassoued :
> Salut
> En fait je veux utiliser l'option merge de cypher
> mais j'ai une problème
There's already a gh issue: https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j/issues/1650
2014-05-01 11:53 GMT+02:00 [:Koen] :
> Hi, i mentioned it before but it would be great if the browser could draw
> the rels between nodes in such a way that they do not overlap each other if
> you have multiple rels between 2 n
Despite the fact that you can store byte[] as property values you
should not consider abusing that for storing your large blobs as
properties. The best practice here is to use another persistence
technology (maybe something like S3) and store your blobs there. The
metadata including the S3 URL are
In the dark ages before we've had indexing and label, connecting
everything to the root node was the preferred way to structure the
graph. Please note in 2.0 the root node (aka reference) node has been
removed for freshly created databases. However databases migrated from
earlier versions still hav
Arrays.asList from the JDK,
2014/1/25 Javad Karabi :
> the asList can not seem to be found... where is that provided?
> On Friday, January 24, 2014 7:21:37 PM UTC-6, Michael Hunger wrote:
>> I think you have to crea
To understand the issue let me recap:
* you're running 1.9.2 Community edition?
* without any concurrent queries you get the NotFoundException for
node 20924 constantly in a read-only cypher query?
Further questions:
* What is the cypher statement you're executing?
* Does the NotFoundException per
No. The JMX extension are a enterprise feature.
2014/1/17 Javad Karabi :
> Is it possible on community edition?
> On Jan 17, 2014 8:34 AM, "Stefan Armbruster" wrote:
>> If you're using enterprise edition, you can flush the object caches
>> via JM
If you're using enterprise edition, you can flush the object caches
via JMX by calling clear() on the mbean,
The manual also has an example how to access JMX programatically:
There is some work in progress at https://github.com/simpsonjulian/ec2neo.
2014/1/10 Alex Frieden :
> Hi all,
> We are looking to take our current local platform and bring it up to a cloud
> platform. I am currently on GCE. I was wondering if there are any blog
> posts on how to dynamically crea
Your understanding here is correct.
In your example: Given a node with 10E7 relationships and you want to know
if it is connected to node x. If you know that x has significant lesser
relationships you can reverse the traversal direction and check if x is
connected to a. This will be cheaper as only
Folks in the groovy ecosystem use gvm (http://gvmtool.net/) for managing
multiple versions of groovy, gradle,grails and some more. That is
conceptually the same as neo4j-download-manager. Just wondering if it would
make sense to combine efforts here and maybe make neo4j a citizen in gvm.
to only return a java.util.concurrent.FutureTask. Using get on
> them only returns a groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseDecorator.
> On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 10:02 AM, Stefan Armbruster <
> ml...@armbruster-it.de> wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> you need to pass in the cypher query
Hi Alex,
you need to pass in the cypher query in the request's body and not as query
param. See https://gist.github.com/sarmbruster/8114445 for a working
2013/12/23 Alex Frieden
> Hi all,
> Might be the wrong place to post this but I have been messing around with
> a
You can implement a
tracks the changes to your splunk instance. Be aware that a poorly written
transactionEventHandler will seriously impact performance.
At this level you only have the information like node A cha
Hi Hetui,
in the past I've discussed such kind of system. We came up with a model at
http://i.imgur.com/QprlkJT.png. The basic idea is that you organize schools
in a geo-hierarchic way. Degree is a node representing a student appearing
in a class at a given school year.
grade, schoolYear, lesson
37 matches
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