
I'm trying to create an unmanaged extension which puts a message on a queue 
when a node becomes interesting (e.g. a relationship of a new type is 

I believe I can do this with a TransactionEventHandler so I have created a 
class which extends KernelExtensionFactory which has a method 
(newKernelExtension) which returns a LifeCycle. My LIfeCycleAdapter then 
registers the TransactionEventHandler in the start method. In my class 
that implements TransactionEventHandler i have afterCommit, which basically 
just writes to a text file for the sake of testing.

In conf/neo4j-server.properties I have put the following - 


However the server doesnt start. in console.log I get this - 

21:10:57.446 [main] WARN  /db/events - unavailable
com.sun.jersey.api.container.ContainerException: The ResourceConfig 
instance does not contain any root resource classes.

Now, in my code I haven't declared any paths as I don't need a REST 
interface to this, I just want it to start when the server starts and then 
listen for transaction events and then do something with the transaction 
data (e.g. write to a file or a messaging queue)

So my question is - 

Do I need to declare a path? Does an unmanaged extension have to be a jaxrs?



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