Yep, I should remove that note, when I wrote it back then the upgrade process
was more straightforward.
I would have to go over all them and upgrade them for the different version,
not sure I find the time in the next days.
I'll see if I can write a script that does it for all of them and uploa
Maria, Mohana,
You can download the Twitter-Heroku example dataset for neo4j 2.1.3 here:
Once you unzip the file, copy the graph.db directory into your data
directory. The Neo4j server should start then.
Hello Michael, Mohana,
I am experiencing the exact same problem. I have tried with several
datasets from this source:
They are all meant to be compatible with neo4j 1.6 + so this shouldn't be
an issue. Any recommendations appreciated.
Hello Michael,
Thanks for the response. I am unable to download data from the link you
have sent. Please look into it.
Cheers :)
On Saturday, 26 July 2014 12:18:43 UTC+5:30, Michael Hunger wrote:
> Hi Mohana,
> It is very probably a version issue, that the twitter graph is an older
> versi
Hi Mohana,
It is very probably a version issue, that the twitter graph is an older
I think we have to update the store to a current version of Neo4j or
replace it with a current version.
You can download our latest oscon twitter graph meanwhile from here:
I have downloaded "Twitter Connections" data set from and when I extracted it into
"graph.db" folder $NEO4J_HOME/data/ after deleting the default "graph.db" ,
the server is not starting. I have tried some solutions provided on web but
they are not showi