Thanks - I have great performance now.
I am very confident that if a connection exists in the graph its maximum
distance is <=6 relationships away. Using allshortestpaths is giving me
what I need and an upperlimit limit of 10 is delivering results in 10s to
100s of ms and the heap is barely tou
I think what you wanted to do was to set an upper limit?
START a=node(41789), b=node(1513155)
MATCH p=(a)-[*..2]-(b)
return p;
and perhaps even:
START a=node(41789), b=node(1513155)
MATCH p=shortestPath((a)-[*..2]-(b))
return p;
Otherwise without limits Cypher goes off for you finding all the h
Hi All,
here is an example of the problems I am having.
graph is ~11M nodes; ~100M rels. The graph is densely connected with
outdegrees in the range 5-30.
The query below hits the heap limit quickly and thrashes the GC.
Any advice?
Regards, John
START a=node(41789), b=node(1513155)
MATCH p=a-