Apparently and unfortunately the diagram doesn't seem to show up in my 
original message. I'm trying to attach it now. Thanks, Google :)

On Thursday, February 5, 2015 at 9:07:51 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> Hi group,
> I'm evaluating Neo4j for our application, and now am at a point where 
> performance is an issue. I've created a lot of nodes and edges that I'm 
> doing some queries against. The following is a detail of the nodes and 
> edges data in this database:
> I am trying to do a search that traverses the yellow arrows of this 
> diagram. What I have so far is the following query:
> MATCH (n:LABEL_TYPE_Project 
> {id:'14'})-[:RELATIONSHIP_scopes*1]->(m:LABEL_TYPE_PermissionNode)-[:RELATIONSHIP_observedBy*1]->(o:LABEL_TYPE_Item)
> WHERE in ['1', '2', '6', '12', '12064', '19614', '19742', '19863', 
> '21453', '21454', '21457', '21657', '21658', '31123', '31127', '31130', 
> '47691', '55603', '55650', '56026', '56028', '56029', '56050', '56052', 
> '85383', '85406', '85615', '105665', '1035242', '1035243'] AND o.content =~ 
> '.*itzndby.*' RETURN o LIMIT 20
> The above query takes a barely-acceptable 1200ms. It only returns the 
> requested 20 items. If I want a count of the same, this takes forever:
> MATCH ... the same ... RETURN count(o)
> The above query takes many minutes. This is Neo4j 2.2.0-M03 Community 
> running on CentOS. There is around 385,000 nodes, 170,000 of type Item.
> I have created indices on all id fields (programmatically, when 
> inserting), also on the content field.(CREATE INDEX ... statement)
> Are there fundamental improvements yet to be made to my query? Things I 
> can try?
> Much appreciated,
> Sander.

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