Re: [Neo4j] Re: uuid function

2017-12-01 Thread Kamal Murthy
Hi Koen, Here is the link for the document: Half way through you can see "Case Procedures" and you can see an example, I understood from the example. Unfortunately, there is no full explanation of the

Re: [Neo4j] Re: uuid function

2017-12-01 Thread Koen Kleingeld
Hi kamal this works fine and i included it into my overall query thanks. So my final question on this would be 1) how to know that you have to put " " around the query part of the query following the condition ? 2) how do you know that the syntax of "param" is like{w:w} ... orby som

Re: [Neo4j] Re: uuid function

2017-11-30 Thread Kamal Murthy
Hi Koen, Here is a sample code with call procedure: MERGE (w:Winery {testval:1}) WITH w call[w.testval=1, "SET w.a = 'bla1', w.b = 'bla2'", w.testval=2, "SET node.a = 'bla3', node.b = 'bla4'"], "SET node.a = 'bla5', node.b = 'bla6'", {w:w}) YIELD value RETURN w; Sy

Re: [Neo4j] Re: uuid function

2017-11-30 Thread Koen Kleingeld
Hi Kamal, thanks, i have seen this "construct" before and will test it. However i am still very interested to learn how to use the call procedure to implement this .. i expect that the result might look somewhat more straightforward (to say the least) i.. and ideas how to apply tha

Re: [Neo4j] Re: uuid function

2017-11-30 Thread Kamal Murthy
Hi Koen, Create a conditional statement by using FOREACH. If there’s a value for your condition then it loops once and set the property and if not no property will be set. MERGE (server:Server { name: line.`Machine Name`, uuid: call apoc.create.uuid() }) FOREACH(ignoreMe IN CASE WHEN testval=

Re: [Neo4j] Re: uuid function

2017-11-30 Thread Koen Kleingeld
Hi kamal. thanks, thats also how i do it now. Maybe one other question to the community Is there an example of a cypher query using a *call* procedure where you want to have multiple "condition,query" pairs and where each "query" performs multiple operations such as a property SET

Re: [Neo4j] Re: uuid function

2017-11-29 Thread Kamal Murthy
Hi Koen, If one GUUID for one machine name, then you can create unique constraint on name property and this avoids duplicate records. CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (s:Server) ASSERT IS UNIQUE; After creating this constraint, I ran MERGE (server:Server { name: "Test", uuid: apoc.create.uuid() } s

Re: [Neo4j] Re: uuid function

2017-11-29 Thread Koen Kleingeld
H kamal thanks, that works too. i guess the original problem was due to the "call" statement being there .. removing that seems to work although i thought i tested that already .. it also needed small rewrite to SET the uuid property to avoid duplicate record conflicts so for apoc functions no cal

[Neo4j] Re: uuid function

2017-11-29 Thread Kamal Murthy
Hi Koen, It is missing WITH line statement. Try this: USING PERIODIC COMMIT LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///test.csv" AS line FIELDTERMINATOR ';' *WITH line, * *apoc.create.uuid() as uid* MERGE (server:Server { name: line.'Machine Name`, uuid: *uid* }) Or, USING PERIODIC COMMIT LOAD CSV WI