Re: [Neo4j] Tuning search in long distance path

2014-09-17 Thread Michael Hunger
Happy to help. If you want to chat in person, I live in Dresden, and am in Berlin on Sept. 30 for our Neo4j Meetup. Cheers, Michael On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 9:44 AM, Sebastian Hennebrueder <> wrote: > Hello Michael, > > I am stunned. I was already happy from

Re: [Neo4j] Tuning search in long distance path

2014-09-17 Thread Sebastian Hennebrueder
Hello Michael, I am stunned. I was already happy from the input of the first post. Thanks a lot for spending the time to illustrate it in detail. I will need a day to research it. Best Regards Sebastian On Tuesday, September 16, 2014 10:56:49 PM UTC+2, Michael Hunger wrote: > > I tried to put

Re: [Neo4j] Tuning search in long distance path

2014-09-16 Thread Michael Hunger
I tried to put it together but have no realistic data to model it in a graph gist. Would be fun to load actual train stations, routes and reseverations with LOAD CSV into a graphgist though. Hope it helps Michael On Tue, Se

Re: [Neo4j] Tuning search in long distance path

2014-09-16 Thread Michael Hunger
Hi Sebastian, I'm not sure I understand your model. The relationships between stations are one seat of segments of the same train-trip ? I wonder why you didn't model the train with it's wagons and seats as nodes and then connect the seat nodes with a RESERVED_FROM releationship to the stations

[Neo4j] Tuning search in long distance path

2014-09-16 Thread Sebastian Hennebrueder
Hi all. My data presents seats in trains, which can be booked. I am struggling to get a search for a bookable seat reasonable fast. Data sample: create (source:Station {name: 'Berlin-stop-01'}), (target:Station {name: 'Berlin-stop-02'}), (source)-[:train {trainnumber: "abc", seat: "1", reserv