As you updated your graph it still runs with the indexing type strategy
So either stick with the deprecated method
Switch the strategy to label based in your spring config
Make a backup first if you go with option 2
Sent from mobile device
Am 26.06.2014 um 15:37 schrieb Mamta Thakur :
We had the deprecated method in the code and that ran into that error as I
mentioned earlier. The deprecated method is actually not working for me.
Thats why I am looking for an alternate solution.
On Thursday, June 26, 2014 7:13:37 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Hunger wrote:
> As you up
public class Member {
Long nodeId;
@Indexed(unique = true, numeric = false)
private String id;
private Long facebookUserId;
@RelatedTo(type = "MY_FB", direction = Direction.BOTH)
FacebookUser facebookUser;
@RelatedToVia(type = KNOWS, direction = Direction.BOT
What does your entity look like?
Sent from mobile device
Am 26.06.2014 um 14:52 schrieb Mamta Thakur :
> Hi All,
> We recently upgraded the Neo4j version to 2.0.3 and SDN to 3.1.0. Data
> upgrade happened successfully.
> We were able to run some of the APIs successfully where as some gave is
Hi All,
We recently upgraded the Neo4j version to 2.0.3 and SDN to 3.1.0. Data
upgrade happened successfully.
We were able to run some of the APIs successfully where as some gave issues.
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