Hi all,

That's my first post, but I hope I get an answer to my huge beginner 
problem. So, I've recently started to build my own Nixie clock. I have four 
LC-531 <http://www.tube-tester.com/sites/nixie/data/lc-531.htm> nixie 
(Polish production) gathered from old Unitra Multimeter. All of them works 
fine when I'm trying to connetct it to HV source (Voltage converter 
9V->150-220V - schematic <http://mirley.firlej.org/files/P9150_Schemat.gif>) 
I'm using ~*180-190V *and *10k* resistor (*is it good?*). 

Few days ago I finally get some 74141 and I was trying to test it, so I 
connected it to ATtiny2313 like this:  

and program MCU with that code <http://pastebin.com/j62JTyVv>. It should 
count on Nixie lamp from 0 to 9 (2 sec per digit).

Double checked all my connections and* as the result I've got Nixie lamp 
with all digits glowing in the same time. *

I also checked 74141 using LED diods (+ to 5V and - to 74141 outputs) and 
it works fine (diodes light one after another)

*Any suggestions what I'm doing wrong? It seems to in some way all outputs 
are connected to GND when using HV to my nixie (works fine with LED).*

EDIT If I'm missing any electronic part here, please provide me info how to 
connect it and how it will help, I 'm Software Engineer and unfortunately, 
I'm not good in whole electronic stuff (yet :) )

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