On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 3:43 AM <neonixie-l@googlegroups.com> wrote:

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>    - CRT colors <#m_-9030087595243734621_group_thread_0> - 5 Updates
>    - Shipment delays from Ukraine <#m_-9030087595243734621_group_thread_1>
>    - 2 Updates
>    - CRT VFD Indicator Tube ILD3-L
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> CRT colors
> <http://groups.google.com/group/neonixie-l/t/d8fbcae6efe93af2?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Yuriy Ovchinnikov <murman_mail...@mail.ru>: May 30 01:18AM -0700
> I can offer:
> 3LO1I – 62 pcs. for $15, - green
> 5LO38I – 3 pcs., - green
> 6LO1I – 7 pcs., - green
> 6LO2A – 2 pcs. - blue
> 7LO55I – 2 pc. - green
> 8LO29I – 47 pcs. for $20, - green
> 8LO30I – 1 pc. for $100, - green
> 8LO39V – 22 pcs. for $20, - blue
> 13LМ31V – 7 pcs., - orange
> 13LN2 – 1 pc. - orange-green
> 13LO18V – 1 pc., - orange-green
> 13LO36V – 1 pc., - white
> 13LO37I – 1 pc., - green
> 16LO2V – 29 pc., - blue
> 16LO2I – 1 pc., - green
> 18LМ5V – 1 pc. - red + green
> 23LM4V – 17 pcs. - white
> суббота, 30 мая 2020 г., 3:17:14 UTC+3 пользователь John Snow написал:
> Grahame <grahame.ma...@googlemail.com>: May 30 09:51AM +0100
> I would add P2 to David's list as they do appear on Ebay from time to
> time. Other P series phosphor's are hen's teeth. I did correspond with a
> guy who said he had an experimental red phosphor tube but I couldn't
> prise it out of his hands...
> Another good list of P phosphors is here (and other CRT stuff)
> http://www.bunkerofdoom.com/
> And look under the heading CRT Focus a little way down the page for All
> About CRT Phosphors.
> Don't get too excited by the range!
> Another, different, range of colours is available using Soviet tubes.
> Attached is my own scavenged data. (This is incomplete, if anyone wants
> to add or make corrections then please PM me). Whilst a И designation
> (English I) is often described as green, the actual shade of green is
> different to a P1 or a P31. A very interesting colour combination is the
> B phosphor (English B). This is described as a rough, white light with a
> long yellow afterglow. They do appear on Ebay and there is no
> corresponding P colour. I like it.
> My own scope clock that Nick linked is very much a "Son of David's"
> design using sine and cosine generators to draw Lissajous figures
> (rather than a Vector display as Nick suggested). The hardware is
> different but the principle is the same. The other Lissajous based clock
> that I know of is, of course,
> https://oscilloclock.com/
> Have fun! Keep safe!
> Grahame
> On 30/05/2020 01:17, John Snow wrote:
> Oscilloclock <i...@oscilloclock.com>: May 30 06:00AM -0700
> I was just going to suggest the Bunker of Doom site, but Grahame you beat
> me to it!
> It tends to be a bit difficult (or expensive) to find electrostatic
> deflection CRTs in some of the more exotic phosphors, especially
> new-old-stock, but persistence (excuse the pun!!) does prevail. And as you
> can see above the Russian ones can be obtained readily.
> Oscilloclock <i...@oscilloclock.com>: May 30 06:01AM -0700
> I was just going to suggest the Bunker of Doom site, but Grahame you beat
> me to it!
> It tends to be a bit difficult (or expensive) to find electrostatic
> deflection CRTs in some of the more exotic phosphors, especially
> new-old-stock, but persistence (excuse the pun!!) does prevail. And as you
> can see above the Russian ones can be obtained readily.
> - Aaron
> Nicholas Stock <nickst...@gmail.com>: May 30 08:43AM -0700
> I should have been a little more specific....vector 'like'
> graphics....i.e., not a raster based image (even then, I'm probably not
> being accurate enough....) :)
> In my experience P11 is more purple than blue....check out the following
> phosphor colo(u)rs on a 5CPx
> [image: image.png]
> Here's a 5CP12 in all its orange glory
> [image: image.png]
> Back to top <#m_-9030087595243734621_digest_top>
> Shipment delays from Ukraine
> <http://groups.google.com/group/neonixie-l/t/b43e99729a2153d8?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> gregebert <gregeb...@hotmail.com>: May 30 08:14AM -0700
> Latest updates for China shipments:
> 2 days to clear export clearance in China (Guangdong)
> 1 day waiting for plane
> 1 day transit to US
> 3 days to depart customs in US (Indiana)
> Sometimes there are delays after customs before USPS has possession. At
> this point, it looks like 2 weeks from China to US, which is about normal
> from past experience.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> No word yet on my package from the Czech Republic; last contact was April
> 27. USPS has not blacklisted mail from .cz so I'm clueless why it's
> delayed.
> Question now is: Will I finish the clock construction before the last 2
> tubes arrive ? The race is on.....
> "Robert G. Schaffrath" <robert.schaffr...@gmail.com>: May 30 08:19AM
> -0700
> This past week I received three packets from China. Two were stuck in
> China waiting for air transport around April 7th (a third was last seen at
> a sorting center in Harlem when USPS accidentally entered the tracking
> number for a “U” untracked id and I saw it before they corrected the
> mistake). The third packet I received was sent to air transport on May 8th.
> It looks like backlog is clearing.
> Back to top <#m_-9030087595243734621_digest_top>
> CRT VFD Indicator Tube ILD3-L
> <http://groups.google.com/group/neonixie-l/t/178d27454bb74238?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Yuriy Ovchinnikov <murman_mail...@mail.ru>: May 30 05:34AM -0700
> Sale CRT VFD Indicator Tube ILD3-L (green) – 50 pcs. and ILD3-K (red) – 50
> pcs.
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