
OPENXTRA no longer offers net-snmp, so I grabbed net-snmp from sourceforge.

Since I don't have the same version of software you're using it's
going to be harder to figure out exactly where the problem is on your
"new" machine.  The version from sourceforge, running on WinXP, puts
file locations in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Net-SNMP
I'm guessing that Windows Vista & later puts the info at
I have no idea where openxtra hides stuff, so how about we set up a
very limited test environment?

Create c:\mibs and copy
from your mib dir -- D:\Program Files\OPENXTRA\NET-SNMP\usr\share\snmp\mibs
and make sure that the definition of dot1dTpFdbAddress in
bridge-mib.txt has the display hint.

create an snmp.conf file:
  cd \mibs
  echo defVersion 2c  > snmp.conf
  echo persistentDir C:\MIBs  >> snmp.conf
  echo noDisplayHint 0  >> snmp.conf

tell snmpwalk where the conf file is:
  set snmpconfpath=c:\MIBs

and see if snmpwalk then works:
  snmpwalk -M c:\MIBs -m BRIDGE-MIB -P ew  <ip address> dot1dTpFdbAddress

...hrmm  I'm assuming D:\Program Files\OPENXTRA\NET-SNMP\usr\bin is in
your path.

note the "-P ew" option to display errors - if there's any problems
snmpwalk should at least give a hint as to why now.   Depending on
what's in your MIB files you might get a bunch of
  xxxx MACRO (lines XX..YY parsed and ignored).
lines which are safe to ignore.


On 2/6/14, keith.abb...@pattersoncompanies.com
<keith.abb...@pattersoncompanies.com> wrote:
> PS. I just verified that I can walk the machine if I stop the Net-SNMP
> service and restart the windows SNMP service. So that should eliminate any
> firewall changes, etc.
> From:
> keith.abb...@pattersoncompanies.com
> To:
> net-snmp-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Date:
> 02/06/2014 01:01 PM
> Subject:
> Re: diff in output format between 2 machines
> Rats,
> I also just discovered that I can no longer walk my 'working' machine from
> another system. I must have accidentally done something to the working
> system while trying to fix the broken system.
> Here's what Ive tried/can do:
> from the local machine I can still execute 'snmptable -m BRIDGE-MIB -v 1
> -c <community>  <IP>' against a remote switch and get a
> mac table
> I've tried restarting the net-snmp service
> I've checked every copy of SNMPD.conf on the machine and verified the
> community string I am using for the walk is the RO or RW community string
> listed in the .conf
> I've verified windows SNMP service is off.
> When I attempt to walk (I'm using Observer Suite walker to do the walk -
> its the same I've always successfully used in the past) the walk times
> out. This is the same result that would occur when walking an agent with
> the wrong community string, or attempting to walk a system that didnt have
> snmp running)
> Let me note here that I do run an extended SNMPD.conf. Also, the working
> machine is very messy in terms of the Net-SNMP installation. The original
> install was done via the openxtra installer and installed on a non-system
> disk (D:\). On top of that, for various and sundry reasons I wont bore you
> with, I now have \OPENXTRA\NET-SNMP folders in all of these locations:
> D:\program files
> C:\program files
> C:\program files (x86)
> When I look at the path to the executable, listed in the Windows service
> manager, it is d:\Program Files\OPENXTRA\NET-SNMP\usr\bin\snmpd.exe
> -service
> so I would assume that as far as being able to walk it from another
> machine goes, I would only have to worry about the files in the d:\Program
> Files\OPENXTRA\NET-SNMP directories.
> Are there other places I need to look to verify paths to files, etc? As I
> noted in earlier messages dealing with the original issue, this machine
> does not have registry entries in HKLM\Sofware\Wow6432\Net-SNMP - which is
> where I would normally expect to look.
> This is regarding  NET-SNMP version: on a windows7 64bit dell
> client
> Any information you can provide for tracking down this issue will be much
> appreciated.
> thx
> k
> From:
> Keith Abbott/PDCO/PDCO
> To:
> Keith Abbott/PDCO/PDCO@PDCO
> Cc:
> Lee <ler...@gmail.com>, net-snmp-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Date:
> 02/05/2014 12:13 PM
> Subject:
> Re: diff in output format between 2 machines
> Bummer,
> I just discovered that, although my programming changes allow my program
> to work (as in not crash) on the machine that shows macs in a different
> format, all of those garbage entries that the off-machine displays should
> be real entries.
> As a result, the off-machine is not including a lot of mac addresses in
> its output. Therefore my program is not finding a lot of instances that it
> can find on the working machine.
> So I am still looking for a fix on this issue...
> thx
> k
> From:
> Keith Abbott/PDCO/PDCO
> To:
> Lee <ler...@gmail.com>
> Cc:
> net-snmp-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Date:
> 02/05/2014 09:54 AM
> Subject:
> Re: diff in output format between 2 machines
> Hi Lee,
> I tried deleting the entire OpenXtra folder (which contains the Net-SNMP
> folder) on the sketchy machine, and replacing it with the folder from my
> machine with no luck.
> I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it entirely, then replacing the
> folders, also with no luck.
> I took a look at the environmental variables and didnt note any key
> differences - the only thing of possible interest was that the working
> machine had a path to a perl directory in the path statement and the
> off-machine did not. But I removed the perl statements from the path on
> the working machine and it still did not break it.
> I took a look at registry keys at HKLM\Sofware\Wow6432\Net-SNMP on the
> off-machine, It contained values SNMPConfPath and SNMPSharePath but that
> regkey didnt exist at all on the working PC. I tried renaming those values
> to *-orig, and restarting the service, to simulate their not being there,
> but then Net-SNMP wouldnt run at all.
> I tried renaming the entire key and Net-Net-SNMP wouldnt run (I dont know
> how its running on the working machine if those keys are required)
> I tried restarting the off-computer - with the key renamed, just to be
> sure it didnt pick that info up on boot, but it still didnt work.
> Ultimately, I modified my program to accept the data in either format.
> However if anyone finds a solution to this problem, I would love to have
> it! Its not nice when things dont work consistently!
> Thx,
> k
> From:
> Lee <ler...@gmail.com>
> To:
> keith.abb...@pattersoncompanies.com
> Cc:
> net-snmp-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Date:
> 02/02/2014 01:31 PM
> Subject:
> Re: diff in output format between 2 machines
> Hi,
> On 2/1/14, keith.abb...@pattersoncompanies.com
> <keith.abb...@pattersoncompanies.com> wrote:
>> Hi Lee,
>> I didnt express my thoughts very well on that.
>> Basically, the short version is the problem stays with the machine
> (\\new)
>> housing the support files minus the executable.
> OK  Which means the 'files are different/output is different' theory
> is still a possibility
>> When I remotely execute the  snmptable.exe that resides on the machine
>> that gives bad results - from the machine that gives good results - the
>> results are good
>> and vise-versa
>> In other words, the problem appears to lie in the support files or some
>> other machine configuration, not the .exe itself.
>> I will try the idea of delete all of the files from the 'malfunctioning'
>> machine, and copying them from the 'functioning machine and see what
> that
>> gives and let you know the results.
>> I was hoping for less of a shotgun approach, but I've already done a lot
>> of file compares, etc and haven't found anything.
> Yeah, I'm not thrilled with the nuke everything & restore from a known
> good approach either, but 1. it's likely to work and 2. it's easy to
> describe.
> If copying all the files over from the old machine doesn't fix it, I
> guess we're left with environment variables & registry entries.
> Envars are easy to see - just type in "set" in a command window.
> I don't know where the registry entries are kept -- maybe
> HKLM/software/Net-SNMP or HKCU/software/Net-SNMP??  You could get a
> copy of process monitor from
>  http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645.aspx
> set a filter for process name is snmpwalk.exe and see exactly which
> files/registry entries are used
> Lee
>> Thanks
>> keith
>> From:
>> Lee <ler...@gmail.com>
>> To:
>> keith.abb...@pattersoncompanies.com
>> Cc:
>> net-snmp-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>> Date:
>> 01/31/2014 05:50 PM
>> Subject:
>> Re: diff in output format between 2 machines
>> Hi,
>> On 1/31/14, keith.abb...@pattersoncompanies.com
>> <keith.abb...@pattersoncompanies.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Lee,
>>> Thanks for the response.
>>> I attempted to track back the defs as you suggested..
>>> I will describe the process in case my method was flawed:
>>> I located where the mac definitions were taking place on the 'working'
>>> machine  by searching the Net-SNMP directory (D:\Program
>>> Files\OPENXTRA\NET-SNMP)  file contents for "MacAddress ::="
>>> That led me to SNMPv2-TC.txt in D:\Program
>>> Files\OPENXTRA\NET-SNMP\usr\share\snmp\mibs.
>>> Examining that file, I found the same display hint that you showed
>> below.
>>> I then repeated the above process on the machine that  was displaying
>>> incorrectly ( format "F0 1F AF nn nn nn  "            183 learned
>>> )
>>> It came down the the same file " SNMPv2-TC.txt" in "C:\program files
>>> (x86)\openxtra\net-snmp\usr\share\snmp\mibs"
>>> and it had the same display hint notation.
>>> The interesting thing is that from the old machine (correct display) I
>> can
>>> launch the new machines exec with the command below
>>> \\PCNm\c$\PROGRA~2\OPENXTRA\NET-SNMP\usr\bin\snmptable -m BRIDGE-MIB -v
>> 1
>>> -c <community>  <IP>
>>> and the format is incorrect. Likewise when I launch the exec on the old
>>> machine, from the new one, the format is incorrect.
>> That's not making any sense..
>> old machine> \\new-machine\snmptable -m ...
>> gives the "bad" format output, same as
>> new-machine> snmptable -m ...
>> and
>> new machine> \\old-machine\snmptable -m ...
>> Is that right?
>>> Any other ideas, or ideas on how I can track this down?
>> A bit drastic, but you could always delete the NET-SNMP directory on
>> the new machine & then copy it over from the old machine.  Less
>> intrusive would be to compare the directories from the two machines
>> and copy old -> new to remove any differences.  I like WinMerge
>> (http://winmerge.org/) for that, but I'm sure there's lots of
>> different programs for that.
>> I thought there was an snmp program option for showing which mib files
>> were loaded in what order, but I'm not finding it now :(    Some
>> combination of snmptable -Pe -PR -Pw might give you a hint as to
>> what's different between the two machines.
>> Do you have a .bat file that you run to initialize the environment or
>> is everything coming from the env. variables and/or registry?
>> Comparing the output from "set" on the two machines might show what's
>> different.
>>> I am using the
>>> output from this command in a program, and the program is crashing
>> because
>>> the output is different. And, while I could modify the program to
> accept
>>> either format, Id rather know how to make the 2 PCs format the output
>> data
>>> the same.
>> I understand.  I'd be doing the same thing in your place :)
>> Lee
>>> thanks again for your help
>>> keith
>>> From:
>>> Lee <ler...@gmail.com>
>>> To:
>>> keith.abb...@pattersoncompanies.com
>>> Cc:
>>> net-snmp-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>>> Date:
>>> 01/31/2014 02:49 PM
>>> Subject:
>>> Re: diff in output format between 2 machines
>>>> ... copied over essentially all of the core files
>>> I'm guessing one or more files on the new machine don't match up with
>>> the files on the old machine & you're missing a display hint on the
>>> new machine.
>>> I have non-standard mib files & locations, so I can't point you to a
>>> set of files to check.
>>> What you'll need to do is find the file where dot1dTpFdbAddress is
>>> defined; for me it's in BRIDGE-MIB.my:
>>> dot1dTpFdbAddress OBJECT-TYPE
>>>     SYNTAX      MacAddress
>>>     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
>>>     STATUS      current
>>> no display hint, so find where MacAddress is defined; probably near
>>> the top of the file:
>>> figure out where SNMPv2-TC comes from, look in there for the
>>> definition of MacAddress
>>>     DISPLAY-HINT "1x:"
>>>     STATUS       current
>>>             "Represents an 802 MAC address represented in the
>>>             `canonical' order defined by IEEE 802.1a, i.e., as if it
>>>             were transmitted least significant bit first, even though
>>>             802.5 (in contrast to other 802.x protocols) requires MAC
>>>             addresses to be transmitted most significant bit first."
>>>     SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))
>>> add the display hint if it's missing.
>>> Regards,
>>> Lee
>>> On 1/30/14, keith.abb...@pattersoncompanies.com
>>> <keith.abb...@pattersoncompanies.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello All,
>>>> I am having a strange problem between 2 machines.
>>>> I installed Net-SNMP on a new windows7 - 64b machine - the first time
>> in
>>> a
>>>> while - and copied over essentially all of the core files from the
>>>> existing machine (also win7-64b)  to insure they were configured the
>>> same.
>>>> I have verified the version on both is
>>>> However when I run the command below on both machines, I get different
>>>> output formats - plus the new machine shows a lot of garbage entries
>>>> snmptable -m BRIDGE-MIB -v 1 -c <community>  <IP>
>>>> (sample output from original machine)    I want it to look like this:
>>>> f0:4d:a2:nn:nn:nn             24          learned
>>>> f0:4d:a2:nn:nn:nn           241          learned
>>>> f0:4d:a2:nn:nn:nn            241          learned
>>>> f0:4d:a2:nn:nn:nn            134          learned
>>>> f0:4d:a2:nn:nn:nn           241          learned
>>>> f0:4d:a2:nn:nn:nn            82          learned
>>>> f0:4d:a2:nn:nn:nn         239          learned
>>>> (sample output from new machine)
>>>> "F0 1F AF nn nn nn  "            183          learned
>>>> "F0 1F AF nn nn nn  "            174          learned
>>>> "F0 1F AF nn nn nn  "            183          learned
>>>> "F0 1F AF nn nn nn  "            174          learned
>>>> "F0 1F AF nn nn nn  "             24          learned
>>>>              "dM¢+Å""             24          learned
>>>>              "dM¢Ü¶z"            241          learned
>>>>              "dM¢Ü·-"            241          learned
>>>> As you can see, the second sample has quotes around it - with upper
> and
>>>> lower case; no colons separating the groups.
>>>> I have a very vague memory of some configuration command you enter 1
>>> time
>>>> to fix this but I cant find anything on it in the official FAQ or
>>> general
>>>> google searches.
>>>> Has anyone run across this before?
>>>> Thx
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