
mib2c throwing compilation error , when i compile with
we have our own mibII/XYZinterfaces.c module, which i wanted to include
with other mib modules.

May i know how to remove 'if-mib/data_access/interface' module and add
mibII/interface mib module. I tried --without-mib-module but compilation is

Let me know how to resolve this issue.

UCD-SNMP compatability:     enabled
  SNMP Versions Supported:    1 2c 3
  Building for:               linux
  Net-SNMP Version:           5.7.2
  Network transport support:  Callback Unix Alias TCP UDP IPv4Base
SocketBase TCPBase UDPIPv4Base UDPBase
  SNMPv3 Security Modules:     usm
  *** MIB Module warning *** mib module 'if-mib/data_access/interface'
excludes module 'mibII/interfaces' but another module requires it
  *** MIB Module warning *** mib module 'if-mib/ifTable' requires module
'if-mib/ifTable/ifTable' but someone told me to compile without it
  Agent MIB code:             mibII/vacm_vars mibII/vacm_conf
utilities/execute tejas mibII/system_mib mibII/interfaces snmpv3mibs =>
util_funcs/header_generic mibII/vacm_context mibII/vacm_conf
tejas/tejasCard tejas/tejasCurrentAlarms tejas/tejasEqptHolder
tejas/tejasEventHistory tejas/tejasMib tejas/tejasPortEth
tejas/tejasSNMPConfiguration tejas/tejasSystem util_funcs mibII/updates
util_funcs/header_generic if-mib/data_access/interface mibII/var_route
snmpv3/snmpMPDStats_5_5 snmpv3/usmStats_5_5 snmpv3/snmpEngine
snmpv3/usmConf snmpv3/usmUser
  MYSQL Trap Logging:         unavailable
  Embedded Perl support:      disabled
  SNMP Perl modules:          disabled
  SNMP Python modules:        disabled
  Crypto support from:        internal
  Authentication support:     MD5 SHA1
  Encryption support:         DES AES
  Local DNSSEC validation:    disabled

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