So now I understand that net-snmp stores persistent data regarding engines
and credentials in some numerical hex representation as usmUser records.
These files seems to be created when the snmptrapd service is shutdown.

I figured this out when I changed the password on the server (snmptrapd)
only and found that the inbound traps were still being accepted.

So here is my actual question. How do I cause the usmUser records to be
'flushed' or updated with the createUser and authUser directives from my
actual /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf when I change them?  I expect to change
them in that file and restart the service for the changes to take effect?

Am I meant to shutdown the service and manually delete the persistent data
files in /var/lib/net-snmp ?

Does a command line option exists to do this for me?



On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 3:25 PM Dave C <> wrote:

> Sorry typo the error reads.
> May 13 11:52:16 WIK5 snmptrapd[22267]: Authentication failed for ZDART
> On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 2:21 PM Dave C <> wrote:
>> Please help - going crazy.
>> I have a server and a remote agent. The agent is generating v3 traps that
>> are delivered back to the server. For a long while I had used some random
>> credentials (that worked), now I when I change them I get "Authentication
>> failed" in snmptrapd service.
>> my client snmpd.conf
>> trapsess -v3 -e 0x000db93a2f84 -u UDART -l authPriv -a SHA -A
>> "aZdkhBVhRLl9IybmpLG2zmpGFe9tyM" -x AES -X "4kk1YP7j6dpdEyCwveuEjocOHSHYWm"
>> #trapsess -v3 -e 0x000db93a2f84 -u  ZDART   -l authPriv -a SHA -A
>> "aZzzzBVhRLl9IybmpLG2zmpGFe9tyM" -x AES -X "4zzzYP7j6dpdEyCwveuEjocOHSHYWm"
>> my server snmptrapd.conf
>> createUser  -e 0x000db93a2f84  UDART SHA "aZdkhBVhRLl9IybmpLG2zmpGFe9tyM"
>> AES "4kk1YP7j6dpdEyCwveuEjocOHSHYWm"
>> authUser log,execute,net UDART
>> #createUser  -e 0x000db93a2f84  ZDART SHA
>> "aZzzzBVhRLl9IybmpLG2zmpGFe9tyM" AES "4zzzYP7j6dpdEyCwveuEjocOHSHYWm"
>> #authUser log,execute,net ZDART
>> With the UDART lines everything works.
>> With the ZDART lines uncommented and the UDART ones commented and after
>> restarting both services I get...
>> May 13 11:52:16 WIK5 snmptrapd[22267]: Authentication failed for WARTCO
>> If I revert the lines back and restart everything is good again.
>> Any idea what I am doing wrong. It seems like it must be fairly obvious
>> but I can just not see it.
>> Thanks
>> Dave
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