Hello everyone,

Sorry to bother you with something that many will certainly find trivial, but it's been driving me crazy for days, now... Even though I read all tutorials I found, I'm pretty sure I'm missing a little something that prevents my program from working... Maybe I misunderstood something (English is not my mother tongue), or I thought something does not apply in my case whereas it does... Anyhow - I'm really lost and in need for enlighted advise.

I'm writing a sub-agent, and all I want to do, is to have my handler called back whenever a request (be it GET or SET) is made on an OID under a given root one. Computation of the values to return will be a bit messy, so I don't want to use all the pretty functionalities that net-snmp provides, such as 'netsnmp_register_long_scalar' functions and the like. Just a callback, and I'll take care of the answering.

I'm coding in C on a Fedora 25 box, with NET-SNMP version 5.7.3, on an isolated network - so security is not an issue (I'll be using SNMP v1 or v2c, with all rights given to public community).

Here is what my snmpd.conf looks like (comments removed) :
master agentx
com2sec  supervision    default       public
group   DefaultGroup   v1            supervision
group   DefaultGroup   v2c           supervision
view    systemview    included   .1
view    systemview    included   .
view    systemview    included   .
view    myapplview    included   .
access DefaultGroup "" any noauth exact systemview systemview systemview access DefaultGroup "" any noauth exact myapplview myapplview myapplview
syslocation Unknown (edit /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf)
syscontact Root <root@localhost> (configure /etc/snmp/snmp.local.conf)

... and I can check, using journalctl, that the AgentX support has been enabled by the snmpd daemon :
> snmpd[749]: Turning on AgentX master support.

When I try to get a "standard" OID, it works fine :
> $ snmpget -v 2c -c public localhost DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance
> DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (2530359) 7:01:43.59

... but when I try to get one of mine, it can't be found :
> $ snmpget -v 2c -c public localhost .
> SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.XXXX.YYYY = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID

Here is what my code looks like (once more, it's a simplified version ; on the real code, *all* errors are handled... and none happen) :
oid root_oid[] = {1,3,6,1,4,1,XXXX,YYYY};

int my_handler(netsnmp_mib_handler          *mh,
               netsnmp_handler_registration *hr,
               netsnmp_agent_request_info   *ari,
               netsnmp_request_info         *ri) {
  puts("Handler has been called :-) !");

int main(void) {
  netsnmp_handler_registration *hr;
  bool dont_stop = true; // modified elsewhere when I want to quit

  hr = netsnmp_create_handler_registration("MyAgent",
root_oid_len,// initialized elsewhere
  while (dont_stop) agent_check_and_process(1);
  return 0;
I simply compile with :
> gcc -O2 -I inc -Wall -Wextra -Werror src/myappl.c -lpthread -lnetsnmp -lnetsnmpagent -o bin/myappl

myappl runs fine up to the "while (dont_stop)" loop, and correctly stops whenever Ctrl-C is pressed (which makes dont_stop false). In the meanwhile, I do the snmpget command above. Of course, I never see the "handler has been called" message...

So... does anyone out there have a clue about what I am doing wrong ?
... or just a pointer on what to check ?

I'm really lost there, so any help would be appreciated...

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