Hi Robert!
Again thank you for your earlyer response, and you can
ignore my other questions. People like me are why
they (you?) create README's and FAQs. :)
Thanks again, you pointed me in the right direction.
Paul Hurt
--- Robert Story <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 16
Hi Robert!
Thank you for your reply.
To answer your first question:
What release are you using? I assume 5.2.1, since
it looks like you are using the mfd conf file.
Please, don't get me started. :) It's a work server,
and I didn't install net-snmp on it, and getting the
"people" who could up
but I can't figure out what it
is? Can anyone help?
Paul Hurt
Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page
but I can't figure out what it
is? Can anyone help?
Paul Hurt
Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page