Hi, i am newbie using the net-snmp, but i was trying to put to work the 
snmptrapd, on windows.


I having 2 problems:


1)       always when I restart the service, the logfile are cleaned. I didn't 
find nothing on documentation that explains that.

2)       I didn't understand what I have to configure on groups. Why the 
documentation don't show any example, to give us one base to what we have to 
put on snmptrad.conf to it works? I simply put "disableautenthication on" and 
it works :-)


I only want it to works okay, to receive the traps.. And not find nothing on 
the web, telling me what I have to do to it works.


The authentication, I don't understand this fine... what I have to configure to 
it works fine, not including the "disableauthentication".


Thanks for attencion


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