
Do you mean you have multiple subagents(Emanate agents and UCD agents)
running on the same machine?

I have no problem when running on different machine. If you need, you
can use remote access to retrieve the agent on other machine. When
perform remote access, how you implement subagent is transparent.

I have tried one machine run Linux snmpd and have net-snmp subagent,
another machine is Windows XP running Emanate master agent -
snmpdm.exe and using getmany to retrieve values on Linux machine.

The only thing is net-snmp don't have dat file, but you can use
Emanate tools (mosy, postmosy) to generate it.

Newbie on net-snmp, please correct me if I am wrong. 



I'm a french young diplomed, and I'm on a society that has developped
an snmp sub agent using UCD.
It work great with the UCD master agent.
The problem is that some client have an Emanate (www.snmp.com) Master
Agent and it appear it's not compatible with the UCD framework. (and
they don't want to remove it)
Do you have some informations about that?
I've think of a possible "interface", which would redirect an array of
MIB request to another agent (UCD) runing on an alternate UDP port
who'll ask our subAgent....
Or the reverse, using UCD as master agent, and redirecting all the
other MIB request to the Emanate master agent...
OR : Is it possible to modify some thing on our SubAgent for
compatibility to Emanate?
If you have some informations about that, thanks to send me a copy ;-).
Emanate propose a solution that's quite very expensive. A free
solution would be great ;-)
If you need more details, don't hesitate to ask me.
Thanks for your attention
Leleu Nicolas.

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