snmptrapd.conf and unknown token: perl

2015-07-28 Thread ganeshyellapu
Dear all, � System: windows 7 64-bit As i could not succeed in creating the netsnmp.dll by defining the macro #define NETSNMP_USE_EMBEDDED_PERL 1, i tried to build the netsnmp.dll using the build.bat file For perl related, i followed the instructions in Readme file located in

How to free memory for the mib tree

2015-07-14 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi, I am using net-snmp-5.7.2. on windows 7 pc. I am developing c# based gui app for the mib browser. I am able to display the mib tree on thee c# gui. For this, i have written a custom function which reads the pointer to the root of� mib tree and returnts it to the C# app. The code is below:

Could not receive traps

2015-06-30 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi, I am using net-snmp-5.7.2. My agent is running on windows xp� with ip with snmpd.conf containg the below� information: � rocommunity� public rwcommunity� private� � trapsink��� public�� trap2sink��� private My manager is running on


2014-10-26 Thread ganeshyellapu
Thank you. Calling snmp_set_save_descriptions(1) before init_snmp(appname) ,� i am able to print the description of oids regards, Ganesh y Have you tried calling snmp_set_save_descriptions(1) before initializing net-snmp? Bill On Oct 25, 2014, at 3:09 AM,


2014-10-25 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi, I am using net-snmp.5.7.2 on windows 7. I tried to print oid description inside the funtion which is defined in mib.c: static void print_subtree_oid_report(FILE * f, struct tree *tree, int count) { struct tree *tp; if (print_subtree_oid_report_suffix) { //here i printed }

Distinguishing scalar and tabular objects

2014-06-11 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi, I am usng net-snmp and I am developing mib browser in .Net framework How to distinguish whether an mib object is scalar or tabular? Is there any api function available in net-snmp for this? [In particular, when a user clicks on� sysDescr node of the the mib tree, it should add .0 at the

number of entries in a table

2013-11-26 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi how to find number entries in a table returned snmptable command? how to display a specified column entries of a table? Actually, i need to estimate the total RAM being used [in windows xp]. I thought to run HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:: hrSWRunPerfTable to find the memory used by each process and

net-snmp on windows to support host-resoureces mib

2013-11-18 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi all, i need to fetch information under� host-resources-mib. i am using net-snm-5.6.2 and windows 7 (64-bit) The following steps are followed to build net-snmp 1. I installed windows snmp serivce and after the service is disabled �� � as mentioned in the readme.win32 file 2. setting

building snmpagent to support HostResourcesMib on windows

2013-11-17 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi i am using net-snmp-5.6.2 on windows 64-bit Is it possible to build the agent by adding host-resources-mib module (example adding hr_device.c,hr_storage.c and others to the netsnmpmibs project of win32dll solution)? How to build the agent to support Host-Resources-MIB, RMON-MIB on windows?

[no subject]

2013-11-16 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi i am using net-snmp-5.6.2 on windows 64-bit Is it possible to build the agent by adding host-resources-mib module (example adding hr_device.c,hr_storage.c and others to the netsnmpmibs project of win32dll solution)? How to build the agent to support Host-Resources-MIB, RMON-MIB on windows?

snmpagent to support HostResourcesMib on windows

2013-11-16 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi i am using net-snmp-5.6.2 on windows 64-bit Is it possible to build the agent by adding host-resources-mib module (example adding hr_device.c,hr_storage.c and others to the netsnmpmibs project of win32dll solution)? How to build the agent to support Host-Resources-MIB, RMON-MIB on windows?

implementing traps...

2010-08-05 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi, i want to implement snamp standard traps like coldstart ,warm start, linkdown,linkup... Using mib2c i generated the template code for coldstart? after this what to edit in coldStart.c? coldstart.c contains : /* * Note: this file originally auto-generated by mib2c using *:

how to implement traps

2010-08-02 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi, i want to implement snamp standard traps like coldstart ,warm start, linkdown,linkup... Using mib2c i generated the template code for coldstart? after this what to edit in coldStart.c? coldstart.c contains : /* * Note: this file originally auto-generated by mib2c using *:

snmptrapd configuration...

2010-07-20 Thread ganeshyellapu
-- Original Message -- Subject: snmptrapd configuration... Date:Mon, July 19, 2010 11:48 am To:

snmptrapd configuration...

2010-07-19 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi background: windows xp and netsnmp-5.5 my snmpd.conf contains trapsink localhost public trapsink localhost private trap2sink localhost public trap2sink localhost private rocommunity public localhost rwcommunity private localhost syscontact GANESH Y syslocation COMMUNICATIONS and

interpreting the output of dumppacket 1

2010-07-06 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi, i put dumppacket 1 in snmp.conf and snmpget -v 2c c public localhost sysLocation.0 is showing hexadecimal numbers. how to interpret these numbers? thank you with regards ganesh y bfont color ='Red'a href=''Visit BEL Website/aConfidentiality Notice The

interpreting the output of dumppaket....

2010-07-02 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi, i put dumppacket 1 in snmp.conf and snmpget -v 2c c public localhost sysLocation.0 is showing hexadecimal numbers. how to interpret these numbers? thank you with regards ganesh y bfont color ='Red'a href=''Visit BEL Website/aConfidentiality Notice The

VACM configuration

2010-06-28 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi, my configuration file snmpd.conf only the following rocommunity public localhost . rocommunity public localhost . so that agent is able to access system and hrsystem groups information. i am getting system inforamtino only but not hrsystem snmpget -v 2c -c

Re: snmpwalk and snmpget

2010-06-26 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi, actually, snmpwalk is showing nstagentmoduleobject.0.0 i.e snmpwalk -c v2c -c public localhost NET-SNMP-TUTORIAL-MIB::nstagentmoduleobject.0.0 =INTEGER:: 1 now i tried the below snmpget and i succeeded snmpget. snmpget -v 2c -c public localhost

snmpwalk and snmpget

2010-06-25 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi, i compiled nstagentmoduelobject.c into agent and configured.(net-snmp-tutorial-mib) and itried the following snmpwalk -v 2c -c public localhost it showing NET_SNMP_TUTORIAL_MIb::nstAgetnMOduleObject = 1 but when i tried with snmpget snmpget -v 2c -c

no such object - Host Resources MIB

2010-06-24 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi, i want to retrive the host-resources-mib information snmpget -v 2c -c public localhost hrSystemUptime.0 snmpget -v 2c -c public localhost hrSystemInitialLoadDevice.o are not working. but the below are working nice snmpget -v 2c -c public localhost sysContact.0 snmpget -v 2c -c public

snmpv3 user authorization error

2010-06-22 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi, i wanted to create snmpv3 users. i succeeded in creating readonly user but not readwrite user. i tried the following commands. 1. snmpget -v 3 -u ganesh -a MD5 -A passphrase localhost sysLocation.0 is working properly. But the following two commands are not working. 2.

creating first snmpv3 user .....

2010-06-21 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi, how to create first time snmpv3 user. i am using winxp and netsnmp-5.5 i found that, in readme.snmpv3, we have to use net-snmp-config command for this. when i tried the following command c:\usr\bin\net-snmp-config --create-snmpv3-user -a my_password myuser net-snmp-config is not

net-snmp-gui package+tkmib utility...

2010-02-27 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi, i want to communicate with the netsnmp agent by using snmp manger. i found that net-snmp-gui package( contains tkmib utility) which is capable of sending/retrieving information to/from snmp agent(snmpd). i am using netsnmp-5.5 whether tkmib utility is already there inside netsnmp-5.5 or

[Fwd: SNMPGET...[NET-SNMP-TUTORIAL-MIB::nstAgentModuleObject]]

2010-02-22 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi i am facing trobles in using snmpget for more than oneweek. Also i am not knowing whether i am doing mistakes in configuring agent(snmpd. I am extending agent using microsoft visual c++. what i have done is below. 1. i put NET-SNMP-TUTORIAL-MIB in the folder c:\usr\share\snmp\mibs 2. i


2010-02-22 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi i am facing trobles in using snmpget for more than oneweek. Also i am not knowing whether i am doing mistakes in configuring agent(snmpd. I am extending agent using microsoft visual c++. what i have done is below. 1. i put NET-SNMP-TUTORIAL-MIB in the folder c:\usr\share\snmp\mibs 2.


2010-02-21 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi, i am facing trobles in using snmpget for more than oneweek. Also i am not knowing whether i am doing mistakes in configuring agent(snmpd. I am extending agent using microsoft visual c++. what i have done is below. 1. i put NET-SNMP-TUTORIAL-MIB in the folder c:\usr\share\snmp\mibs 2.

SNMPGET::no such object is found on this agent ...

2010-02-18 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi i am using windows xp + netsnmp5.5+ visual studio 2008 i wanted to extend agent by using NET-SNMP-TUTORIAL-MIB. i copied nstAgentModuleObject.c nstAgentModuleObject.h (downloaded from tuotorials) into c:\net-snmp-5.5\agen\mibgroup\ i added the following lines #include

SNMPGET::no such object is found on this agent ...

2010-02-17 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi i am using windows xp + netsnmp5.5+ visual studio 2008 i wanted to extend agent by using NET-SNMP-TUTORIAL-MIB. i copied nstAgentModuleObject.c nstAgentModuleObject.h (downloaded from tuotorials) into c:\net-snmp-5.5\agen\mibgroup\ i added the following lines #include


2010-02-16 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi, i have extended the agent by compling nstagentmodule into the agent. (i am using windows xp + netsnmp5.5+ visual studio 2008) i reconfigured the agent using snmpconf command now snmptranslate is working but when i tried to run snmpget and snmpset,they are not working properly.


2010-02-16 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi, i copied nstAgentModuleObject.c nstAgentModuleObject.h (downloaded from tuotorials) into c:\net-snmp-5.5\agen\mibgroup\ i have follwed Microsoft Visual C++ - Extending the Agent from readme.win32 and the tutorial writing a MIB module. Have you registered this object OID to net-snmp

About mib2c...

2010-02-15 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi, i am woring on window xp and using netsnmp5.5 and visual stdio 2008 the mib2c tool is showing the following: c:\usr\bin\mib2c -c mib2c-mfd.conf ifTable cannot find the a configuration file called mib2c.mfd.conf i looked in /usr/local/share/snmp/ usr/local/share/snmp/mib2c-data

Building NET_SNMP-5.5 using Visual Studio-2008

2010-02-09 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi, i am building netsnmp-5.5( using netsnmp.dll) using Microsoft Visual studio 2008 on windows xp. i created the netsnmp.dll in release mode. first i built netsnmp.dll( as mentioned in the readme.win32 file netsnmp.dll and all the object files netsnmp,netsnmptrapd, netsnmphelpers,

Compilling and loading MIB into agent...

2010-02-08 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi, i installed netsnmp-5.5 on windows xp using the following commands. c:\net-snmp-5.5\win32\build.bat with the options: sdk--- enabled, perl moduels--- enabled installing perl--- modules enabled, and all are disabled. now i have nstAgentModuleObject.h and nstAgentModuleObject.c (from

About NETSNMP...Problem

2010-02-02 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi, This is ganesh, one of among the netsnmp users. I am very new to network progrmmaing and for net-snmp. I installed netsnmp5.5-x86 (binaries) on windows xp. after installion, i tested the command i got some result showing test passed: now i configued

About NETSNMP...Problem

2010-02-01 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi, i am still getting the timeout : no response from localhost error. I am very new to network progrmmainga and for net-snmp. Kinldy find the attachemtns snmp.conf and snmpd.conf to this mail and help me in this issue. i am facing for 2 weeks the same problem. In the following manner i

About NETSNMP...Problem]

2010-02-01 Thread ganeshyellapu
hi, i am still getting the timeout : no response from localhost error. I am very new to network progrmmainga and for net-snmp. Kinldy find the attachemtns snmp.conf and snmpd.conf to this mail and help me in this issue. i am facing for 2 weeks the same problem. In the following manner i

[no subject]

2010-01-29 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi, This is ganesh. i am facing problems in configuring netsnmp agnet. i am getting time out error and no response from local host kind of errors. Could you tell me how to configure agent to comeout from this problem. Would you send a copy of agent configuaration file? thank you With

About NET SNMPAgent...

2010-01-28 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi All, I am using NET-SNMP to create snmp agent on Windows XP. i installed net-snmp-5.5-x86.exe in my system (downloaded from I configured the agent using the below command snmpconf -g basic_setup as instructed in the FAQ section. While

About NET SNMP Agent ...

2010-01-28 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi All, I am using NET-SNMP to create snmp agent on Windows XP. i installed net-snmp-5.5-x86.exe in my system (downloaded from I configured the agent using the below command snmpconf -g basic_setup as instructed in the FAQ section. While

About net-snmp agent.....

2010-01-28 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hi All, I am using NET-SNMP to create snmp agent on Windows XP. i installed net-snmp-5.5-x86.exe in my system (downloaded from I configured the agent using the below command snmpconf -g basic_setup as instructed in the FAQ section. While

About MIB creation in Windows using NET_SNMP...

2010-01-21 Thread ganeshyellapu
Hello Friends, I installed netsnmp in windows os. i started snmpagent. i am getting results for snmptranslate. when i try to execute the mib2c command i am not getting result c:\ usrbinmib2c -c mib.scalar.conf ucdDemoPublc c:\ usrbinmib2c requires perl to run. I installed activeperl also.