HI Team,

Please find the below details and clear my clarifications

bash-3.00# ps -ef |grep snm
    root   835     1   0   Sep 21 ?           1:11 /usr/sfw/sbin/snmpd
    root 27692     1   0   Feb 11 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/snmp/snmpdx -y
-c /etc/snmp/conf
    root 12603     1   0   Sep 22 ?           1:06 /usr/sfw/sbin/snmpd
    root 27701     1   0   Feb 11 ?           0:33 /usr/sfw/sbin/snmpd
    root 12633     1   0   Sep 22 ?           0:02 /usr/lib/snmp/snmpdx -y
-c /etc/snmp/conf

bash-3.00# uname -a
SunOS sssdpdp13 5.10 Generic_139556-08 i86pc i386 i86pc

cat /etc/snmp/conf/snmpd.conf
# Copyright 1988 - 07/17/00 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#ident  "@(#)snmpd.conf 2.24    00/07/17 SMI"

# See below for file format and supported keywords

sysdescr        Sun SNMP Agent,
syscontact      System administrator
sysLocation     System administrators office
system-group-read-community     public
#system-group-write-community    private
read-community  public
#write-community private
trap            localhost
trap-community  SNMP-trap
#kernel-file     /vmunix
#managers        lvs golden
managers        localhost


# File Format:

# Each entry consists of a keyword followed by a parameter string,
# terminated by a newline.  The keyword must begin in the first
# position.  The parameters are separated from the keyword (and from
# one another) by whitespace.  All text following (and including) a '#'
# character is ignored.  Case in keywords is ignored, but case in
# parameter strings is NOT ignored.

# Supported Keywords:

# sysdescr              String to use for sysDescr.
# syscontact            String to use for sysContact.
# syslocation           String to use for sysLocation.
# system-group-read-community   Community name needed for read access
#                                       to the system group.
# system-group-write-community  Community name needed for write access
#                                       to the system group.
# read-community        Community name needed for read access
#                               to the entire MIB.
# write-community       Community name needed for write access
#                               to the entire MIB (implies read access).
# trap                  Host names where traps should be sent.
#                               A maximum of 5 hosts may be listed.
# trap-community        Community name to be used in traps.
# kernel-file           Filename to use for kernel symbols.
# managers              Hosts that can send SNMP queries.
#                       Only five hosts may be listed on any one line.
#                       This keyword may be repeated for a total of 32
# newdevice             Additional devices which are not built in snmpd
#                       format as below
# newdevice     type    speed   name
# where newdevice is keyword, type is an interger which has to match your
# schema file, speed is the new device's speed, and name is this new
# device's name

My questions are:
Do i need to disable Sun's snmp Daemons before i proceed with net-snmp?,if
yes the steps provided in Net-SNMP read me document is not working for this
.Please guide the same.
Can i monitor DISK,CPU,Process  Monitor using net-snmp?
Do i need to install any patches for this ?

Awaiting response

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