

I've installed following:

1)       Net-SNMP 5.5 binary version for WindowsXP (32 bit) 

2)       installing Active-Perl 5.10 

3)       I'm installing perl package( running ppm install NetSNMP.ppd) ,


After all the above steps when I execute mib2c I'm still getting the
following message:


ERROR: You don't have the SNMP perl module installed.  Please obtain

this by getting the latest source release of the net-snmp toolkit from

http://www.net-snmp.org/download/ .  Once you download the source and

unpack it, the perl module is contained in the perl/SNMP directory.

See the README file there for instructions.


BTW, I did the same steps for Net-SNMP5.4.2.1 binaries + ActivePerl5.8
and mib2c works.


Another question:

Why mib2c-update is missing from Windows binaries? ( I would like to use
it )






Ivo Faldini

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