> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Bhaskararao vakamullu
> Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 7:05 AM

>  Which should be used in the snmpset for configuring MAC address?.
>   I mean 'i'  for interger and 'a' for IP address like that 
> what should be for MAC address.

        From the manpage for snmpset:
       The TYPE is a single character, one of:
              i  INTEGER
              u  UNSIGNED
              s  STRING
              x  HEX STRING
              d  DECIMAL STRING
              n  NULLOBJ
              o  OBJID
              t  TIMETICKS
              a  IPADDRESS
              b  BITS

        Which of these corresponds to MAC address?  I don't know, but I'm 
guessing "x" is a good bet.  Look into the MIB that defines the object you're 
trying to set.  If it's defined as an OCTET STRING, and there's no special 
description of how to format it, then try:

snmpset -u joe -l authPriv -A auth_joe -X pass_joe tableMacObj.3 x 0123456789ab



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