> From: daily study [mailto:study.dail...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 9:12 AM

>    > My traffic model as below:
>     > traffic process1<--(private protocol)-->agent process<-(snmp
> protocol)->manager
>     >                                        |
>     > traffic process2<--(private protocol)--

>     I study the master.c file. I find that the routine
> agentx_master_handler() process
>      the SNMP message from MANAGER, then after change to private
> protocol and dipatch
>                  the private get/getnext/set message to subagent which
> should be my traffic process
>      and the routine agentx_got_response() process the messges from
> subagent
>                  the routine agentx_master_handler() process.
>      Is it right? In traffic process, when receive a getnext private
> command message from agent,
>      I should get the the next oid and its value and send this to agent,
>      i.e. my real data in traffic process should be built in a list of
> lexicographic order.
>      Is this right?

        Mostly.  However, there's a hitch - your diagram depicts a private 
protocol between "agent process" and the traffic processes, but "agent process" 
becomes "master agent<--(AgentX)-->subagent" by your description.  This is 
significant because the subagent can run on either the traffic hosts or the 
master agent's host, if your private protocol is network-capable.  This is also 
significant because the subagent will not run in the same process as the 
traffic, unless you want to do the socket manipulation and polling yourself..?

Check here:


        ...for more details.



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