>>>>> On Wed, 23 Sep 2009 16:49:06 +0900, ±èÀº¿µ <keyofm...@radiantech.net> 
>>>>> said:

k> This is some part of /usr/local/share/snmp/snmpd.conf:
k> createUser jupiter MD5 my_password DES
k> rouser jupiter

k> And I requested sysUpTime.0 on the same host like this:
k> snmpget -v3 -u jupiter -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A my_password localhost SNMPv2-
k> MIB::sysUpTime.0

k> snmpget: Authentication failure (incorrect password, community or key)

Looking quickly, I don't see anything wrong *unless* you've defined
multiple users with the same name or are reading from multiple
configuration files (make sure you have only one).  Also make sure you
restart the agent after changing the config.

It might be even helpful to rm /var/net-snmp/snmpd.conf and start the
agent's persistent from scratch (after stopping snmpd)
Wes Hardaker
Cobham Analytic Solutions

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