We followed the steps given in the below link, we are getting error "no 
encryption type specified, which I need in order to know to change the key"

$ snmpusm -v3 -u initial -n "" -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A setup_passphrase create wes initial
Did not find 'InetAddressPrefixLength' in module INET-ADDRESS-MIB 
Did not find 'InetVersion' in module INET-ADDRESS-MIB 
Did not find 'InetZoneIndex' in module INET-ADDRESS-MIB 
Did not find 'InetPortNumber' in module INET-ADDRESS-MIB 
Did not find 'InetPortNumber' in module INET-ADDRESS-MIB 
User successfully created.

sandeep_manwatkar@PSNG384 ~
$ snmpusm -v 3 -u wes -n "" -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A setup_passphrase passwd setup_passphrase new_passphrase
Did not find 'InetAddressPrefixLength' in module INET-ADDRESS-MIB 
Did not find 'InetVersion' in module INET-ADDRESS-MIB 
Did not find 'InetZoneIndex' in module INET-ADDRESS-MIB 
Did not find 'InetPortNumber' in module INET-ADDRESS-MIB 
Did not find 'InetPortNumber' in module INET-ADDRESS-MIB 
no encryption type specified, which I need in order to know to change the key
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