Lovely! And I agree that the music and the drawing are a good match for
each other.
On 10/18/22 12:40 AM, Simon Mclennan via NetBehaviour wrote:
A single track from a new compilation of songs as yet unpublished.
I hope to publish this year - it has been a while in the making -
about t
Music, Various
Terrible news coming from Ukraine...
Two recent pieces, music, perhaps not quite likeable -
but they're who I am and I realize, they're a kind of useless
response to war - they keep me going - perhaps too egoistic -
Flathills guitar VIDEO
Hi Simon,
The music sounds amazing - the video really works as well :-)
=> Marc Garrett. He/Him.
Co-founder of Furtherfield & DECAL Decentralised Arts Lab.
Current book - Frankenstein Reanimated: Creation & Technology in the 21st
Century. Co-edi
Notes on My Re-Enchantment Art Residency
During my residency at Hamilton MAS, I have been rereading some books which
reflect the contexts and intentions of why I am here and how to proceed as an
artist afterwards. One book which feels so poignant right now is Suzie Gablik’s
The Reenchantment of