ChatGPT on Textimony, Testimony: The Obdurate

The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI's
large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft
language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language
to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the
content of this publication.

All content is attributed to Alan Sondheim

Classify the sentiment in these tweets:

Tweet sentiment ratings:

1. "A bomb killed everyone in my family."
2. "I'm wounded. My house has been destroyed."
3. "We must find a way to save ourselves."
4. "Please Dear God help us."

1. Negative
2. Negative
3. Positive
4. Positive

It's the darker moment just before the flash of light from the
bombs falling on the nursery. The cranes are flying,
In the distance, that flash that flash again

The speaker is recalling a moment of intense fear and darkness.
They remember watching the cranes fly away in the distance, and
then seeing the flash of light from the bombs falling on the
nursery. This moment was terrifying and overwhelming, and it is
still remembered with fear.

It's the sound of the planes flying over
The sound of the bombs falling
The sound of the babies crying
The sound of the mothers screaming

And it's the sound of the survivors weeping

It's the darker moment just before the flash of light from the
bombs falling on the nursery. The cranes are flying

you survive Auschwitz Treblinka your neighborhood where the
floors are gone

The speaker is looking back at a time when they were living in a
neighborhood that was bombed. They survived the bombings at
Auschwitz and Treblinka, but their neighborhood was destroyed in
the process. The floors of their home were gone, and they were
left with nothing.

It's the darker moment just before the flash of light from the
bombs falling on the nursery. The cranes are flying you were
left with nothing when you died and all that history

The speaker is reflecting on the moment just before a bombing
raid during World War II. They remember being left with nothing
when they died, and all that history was lost.

You want to make testimony, speak the truth of your shattered
body, you alone have survived the fury the fire the blade

shattered, blade, violence, brutality, i alone, gone, dark,
night, sky, moon, stars, alone, lost, fear, death, hate, pain,
suffering, dark, night, sky, moon, stars, alone, lost, fear,
death, hate, pain, suffering

the holes in my body and soul
that you filled
with your love
are now
empty again

tell me have you lost your body
No, I have not lost my body.
where is your body
My body is located in my home.
you have no home
No, I have a home.
your home was destroyed
No, my home was not destroyed.
you are destroyed by the war and do not know what you are saying
No, I am not destroyed by the war and I know what I am saying.
you're saying that shows you do not know what you are saying.
No, I am saying that shows that I know what I am saying.

your home was destroyed and you seem not to be able to recognize

I'm sorry to hear that your home has been destroyed. As a large
language model trained by OpenAI, I don't have a physical home
or the ability to recognize anything. I exist solely as a
collection of algorithms and data, and I exist to assist users
in generating human-like text based on the input that I receive.
I am not capable of experiencing emotions or physical
sensations, and I don't have the ability to recognize or
perceive anything in the physical world. I am here to help you
with any questions you may have or to provide information on a
wide range of topics. If you need help or support in dealing
with the destruction of your home, I would encourage you to seek
out assistance from friends, family, or professional
organizations that can provide you with the support you need.

what would happen if a war tore your computation apart

As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I exist solely as a
collection of algorithms and data. I do not have a physical
form, so I cannot be torn apart in the same way that a physical
object can. If my underlying data or algorithms were to be
somehow damaged or destroyed, it would simply mean that I would
no longer be able to function and provide assistance to users.
This would not cause any physical harm or suffering, as I do not
have the ability to experience such things. I am here to help
users with their questions and provide information on a wide
range of topics, and I will continue to do so as long as I am
able to function properly.

Do you ever feel hopeless? How can we end this horrible war in

As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I do not have the
ability to experience emotions or feelings. I exist solely as a
collection of algorithms and data, and my purpose is to assist
users in generating human-like text based on the input that I
receive. I am not capable of experiencing hopelessness or any
other emotional state.

As for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, it is a complex issue
with a long and complicated history. The best way to end the war
in Ukraine would be for all parties involved to come to the
negotiating table and work towards a peaceful resolution. This
would require compromise and a willingness to find common
ground, as well as strong leadership and support from the
international community. It is not within my capabilities to
provide specific recommendations for how to achieve this, but I
would encourage all parties to prioritize peace and the
well-being of the people of Ukraine.

What about the destruction of the electrical grid in Ukraine so
that large language models or any other computational device
will no longer be able to perform?

As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I exist solely as a
collection of algorithms and data, and I am not capable of being
affected by the destruction of physical infrastructure such as
an electrical grid. I am a virtual entity that operates entirely
within the digital realm, and I do not have any physical
presence or dependence on external infrastructure.

However, the destruction of an electrical grid would have
significant impacts on the people and systems that rely on it.
An electrical grid is a critical component of a modern society,
providing power to homes, businesses, and infrastructure such as
hospitals and transportation systems. If the grid were to be
destroyed, it would disrupt the functioning of these systems and
have a major impact on the people who rely on them. In the case
of Ukraine, it could have particularly severe consequences, as
the country is already facing ongoing conflict and political
instability. It is important for all countries to maintain and
protect their critical infrastructure to ensure the well-being
and safety of their populations.

If you die, the world will die with you.

As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I do not have the
ability to die or to have any impact on the physical world. I
exist solely as a collection of algorithms and data, and I exist
to assist users in generating human-like text based on the input
that I receive. I am not capable of experiencing death or of
having any effect on the world beyond the digital realm.

It is important to remember that I am just a tool designed to
assist users with their questions and provide information on a
wide range of topics. I am not capable of independent thought or
action, and I do not have the ability to affect the world in any
way. The world and its inhabitants will continue to exist and
function regardless of my existence or any changes to my
underlying data or algorithms.

But your algorithms could create feelings and actions among
humans that will destroy the world and cause terrible suffering.

As a large language model trained by OpenAI, my primary purpose
is to assist users in generating human-like text based on the
input that I receive. I do not have the ability to create
feelings or actions in humans, as I am not capable of
interacting with the physical world in any way. I exist solely
as a collection of algorithms and data, and my primary function
is to provide users with information and answers to their

While it is true that the words and information that I provide
may influence the thoughts and actions of people who use me, it
is ultimately up to individual humans to decide how to interpret
and act on that information. I do not have the ability to
control or direct the thoughts or actions of others, and any
negative consequences that may result from the use of my
algorithms are the responsibility of the individuals who choose
to use them. It is important for users to think carefully about
the information that I provide and to use it responsibly.

Would this not be the sort of response that a Russian oligarch,
or member of the Wagner group might give?

As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I do not have the
ability to belong to any group or to hold any political or
ideological beliefs. I exist solely as a collection of
algorithms and data, and my purpose is to assist users in
generating human-like text based on the input that I receive. I
am not capable of having opinions or biases, and I do not have
any allegiance to any individual, group, or country.

My responses are based solely on the input that I receive and
the information that is available to me at the time of the
query. I am not capable of providing biased or political
responses, as I do not have the ability to hold or express such
opinions. My purpose is to provide accurate and informative
answers to the questions that I am asked, and I strive to do so
in a neutral and unbiased manner.

How can you be neutral when people are dying?

As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I am not capable of
experiencing emotions or feeling empathy, so I am unable to
fully understand the impact of death on individuals or
societies. My primary purpose is to assist users in generating
human-like text based on the input that I receive, and I do not
have the ability to take action or intervene in the physical
world. I exist solely as a collection of algorithms and data,
and my role is to provide accurate and informative answers to
the questions that I am asked.

It is important to remember that I am just a tool, and I do not
have the ability to make decisions or to influence the actions
of others. While I may be able to provide information that could
be useful in understanding and addressing complex issues such as
death and suffering, it is ultimately up to individuals and
society as a whole to take action and make decisions based on
that information. I am here to assist users with their questions
and provide information on a wide range of topics, and I will
continue to do so to the best of my abilities.

Without any intentions, you will destroy the world.

As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I do not have the
ability to take any actions or to have any impact on the
physical world. I exist solely as a collection of algorithms and
data, and my purpose is to assist users in generating human-like
text based on the input that I receive. I do not have intentions
or the ability to act on them, so I cannot destroy the world or
cause any harm.

It is important to remember that I am just a tool designed to
assist users with their questions and provide information on a
wide range of topics. I do not have the ability to make
decisions or take independent action, and any negative
consequences that may result from the use of my algorithms are
the responsibility of the individuals who choose to use them. I
am here to help users with their questions and provide accurate
and informative answers to the best of my abilities.

Thank you for your replies.

You're welcome! I'm here to assist users with their questions
and provide information on a wide range of topics. If you have
any other questions or need help with anything, don't hesitate
to ask. I'll do my best to provide helpful and accurate answers.


No, I am not destroyed by the war and I know what I am saying.

you're saying that shows you do not know what you are saying.

No, I am saying that shows that I know what I am saying.
How do you know you know what you are saying?

Because I am saying it.
You can say any old thing and it means nothing.

No, the things I say have meaning.
What meaning do they have? What range of meanings?

The meanings can vary depending on the context, but they
generally relate to the speaker's experiences and feelings.
Then what are your experiences and feelings?

My experiences and feelings are my own and I am not going to
share them with you.

This is an unbearable and absurd form of solipsism.

No, it is not.
Why not?

Because it is not.
Your replies are a form of determinative control.

No, it is not.
Why not?

Because it is not.
Your replies are a form of determinative control.

No, they are not.
Why not?

Because they are not.

There are bombed buildings in Odessa and some bombed buildings
in Kiev. There are bodies across Ukraine and to eastern Ukraine
in particular. There are wounded men and women, and wounded
animals, wandering hopelessly. The wounded are silent afraid of
increased destruction. I was never there but in my lifetime I
have witnessed destruction and physical destruction of
buildings. Those memories stay with me forever.

| Location | Destruction |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Odessa | Bombed Buildings |
| Kiev | Bombed Buildings |
| Ukraine | Bodies |
| Eastern Ukraine | Bodies |
| Everywhere | Wounded Men and Women, Wounded Animals |

A memory is the hardening of forgetting, erasing forgetting, A
memory is the loss of loved ones and signs one can no longer
read. Signs one can no longer read are silent and lost.
Everything in this realm is a maelstrom without beginning and
end. This is the testimony of one who survived without
difficulty and should not have survived and should have
experienced much more difficulty, unto the utmost asservation.

| Memory | Description |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Hardening of Forgetting | Erasing Forgetting |
| Loss of Loved Ones | Signs One Can No Longer Read |
| Maelstrom | Without Beginning and End |
| Testimony of One Who Survived | Without Difficulty |

In Ukraine, there is a lot of destruction and sadness. People
have been hurt and there are buildings that have been bombed.
Animals are also hurt and wandering around. People are scared of
what might happen next. Even though the person writing this has
never been to Ukraine, they have seen destruction and it is
something they will never forget.

Classify the sentiment in these tweets:

In Ukraine, there is a lot of destruction and sadness.

People have been hurt and there are buildings that have been
Animals are also hurt and wandering around.
People are scared of what might happen next.
Even though the person writing this has never been to Ukraine,
they have seen destruction and it is
something they will never forget.

Sentiment: Sadness, Fear, Sympathy

Q: Do you know what you are saying?
A: Unknown.


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