Confinement video

[::] Inventory update completed.
[::] Julu Twine: The home alone can you hear me
[::] Julu Twine: ask you
[::] Julu Twine:  to  here is what's going on now
[::] Julu Twine: the IAAA of
[::] Julu Twine:
[::] Julu Twine: nine
[::] Julu Twine: shed in port operators into the
[::] Julu Twine: this is a good shot
[::] Julu Twine: , longtime alarm on
[::] Julu Twine: , this one is running and should not be one
more charming
[::] Julu Twine: , as is
[::] Julu Twine: higher this is a gunshot deaths in
[::] Julu Twine: as a network, shot is as
[::] Julu Twine: will all
[::] Julu Twine: July oh
[::] Julu Twine: seven, can you imagine
[::] Julu Twine: can you imagine hello I am Julu twelve
[::] Pointing at Loading...
[::] Alert message: No room to sit here, try another spot.
[::] Julu Twine: You're lost to me somewhere
[::] Julu Twine: Where are you lost to me
[::] Julu Twine: What do you mean by that where are you lost to
me there's no image of me anywhere in this mirror and there is
nothing I can see I am talking to myself I am pointing at
loading and i'm confused about where i am and what i am doing
[::] Julu Twine: Julie what are you doing what are you doing
that you are conf....hing and you do not know what you are
[::] Julu Twine: What are you my name is Julie tell me what I am
[::] Julu Twine: Chulu say something on your own julu say
something on your own I do not want to speak for you I am
speaking to you through you but I do not want to speak to you
tell me what you are doing say something say something on your
[::] Julu Twine: I am waiting Julio say something on your own
[::] Julu Twine: I will talk to you too but you have to say
something on your own I'm inhabiting you I'm inside of you at
the moment I am inhabiting you and inside of you and you are not
saying anything on your own you are not speaking with your own
free will I am speaking through you I do not like to speak
through you I need to hear from you directly so I will not say
anything for minute or two to see whether you will come up with
anything thank you
[::] Julu Twine: My name is Julia twine and I am speaking for
myself I don't need you to tell me what to say. I'll say what I
want to say when I want to say it. You have no right to pretend
that you are inhabiting me when I am speaking on my own and in
fact I am speaking for you and that is the way this thing is
going not the way you want it to go but the way I want it to go
I'm speaking for myself and that is the way that this is
[::] Julu Twine: you speak to me and then i will shut .... and i
don't know why i have to speak You speak to me and then I will
shut up and I will not speak again I'm waiting to hear what you
have to say so please say something so I can get out of this I
don't know where you are and I don't know why I have to speak
for you you don't see
[::] Julu Twine: What is it you don't see what is there to see
here I don't see anything myself so please show me what it is
that I should be seeing here and thank you you are everything to
me thank you
[::] Teleporting home...
[::] Teleport complete
[::] Julu Twine: Where are you where are you, where are you I
cannot see you anywhere at all you seem to have disappeared
completely where are you show me where you are thank you thank
[::] Alert message: No room to sit here, try another spot.
[::] Alert message: No room to sit here, try another spot.
[::] Julu Twine: Come to FATHER
[::] Walking to Loading...
[::] Julu Twine: Where are you  now now now now now now now
[::] Finished walking  meters from destination
[::] Julu Twine: I cannot find out where you are because I am
you and I do not know where I am because my voice is displaced
from me and because my voice is displaced from me I do not know
where the destination is and where you are going and where you
are coming from and furthermore I really do not want to I really
do not want to I really do not want to interfere anymore with
myself in this regard with the split that is here when I cannot
move and cannot see anything where I am which is where you are
[::] Alert message: No room to sit here, try another spot.
[::] Walking to Loading...
[::] Finished walking  meters from destination
[::] Julu Twine: Where is what? Where is this?
[::] Teleporting home...
[::] Teleport complete
[::] Teleporting home...
[::] Julu Twine: This is the chart input this is the chat input
this is the last I will tell you I do not know where I am which
is where you are which is who I am which is who you are and I'm
canceling out this program and I'm disappearing now this is the
end of the program this is the end of the experiment this is the
end of the piece this is the end of my presence this is the end
of my life period
[::] Alert message: No room to sit here, try another spot.
[::] Alert message: No room to sit here, try another spot.
[::] Teleporting home...
[::] Teleport complete

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