https://youtu.be/NQz-YtXRDT0 VIDEO

:##:##]Late Capital Swallows Late Capital
:31:52] Julu Twine: simply makes reality market between you
and your international conference on line and beat in the
universe adopting an integral part

:32:10] Julu Twine: in the URL left turns into the
environment and TNT your view of life in time for information
and 20 points during the 18 and 28-point and 21. you if the
guy in 19

:32:18] Julu Twine: 22 points during the early 19
:32:19] Julu Twine: 23 points you think will be working
:32:20] Julu Twine: for you need to know
:32:22] Julu Twine: OK
:32:24] Julu Twine: OK
:32:27] Julu Twine: group and

:32:41] Julu Twine: from that point that I feel-bad timing
of the of the project odious the project indication that the
plea deal-22 June 2023 different

:32:49] Julu Twine: things we can make reality-between to be
the only international conference and the
:32:57] Julu Twine: university and an integral part
:33:00] Julu Twine: of doing it for
:33:15] Julu Twine: Totally lost here what are you saying.

:33:22] Julu Twine: in the URL left turns into the
environment and TNT you if you live with interns and
installation and 20 points and totally lost share one is I and
our son has 21 points in the 58 and 19, were lost two points
here are the ING 723 points you think will be working

:33:24] Julu Twine: the need to know
:33:28] Julu Twine: to 1.
:33:33] Julu Twine: , Are you there
:33:35] Julu Twine: in
:33:37] Julu Twine: cash and
:33:40] Julu Twine: can
:33:46] Julu Twine: and this was an
:33:54] Julu Twine: Uzi one is far and
:33:55] Julu Twine: beyond some friendly.
:33:57] Julu Twine: This was far and beyond something
:33:58] Julu Twine: Different
:34:03] Julu Twine: hell are you the
:34:14] Julu Twine: only time you have your project
indication that reason you went 2022 June 2023 percent

:34:23] Julu Twine: in the reality market between you and
your international conference on line and the university of an
integral part

:34:24] Julu Twine: ,
:34:35] Julu Twine: in the URL.  The iron and TNT you live
in time for information and 20 points. 21

:34:37] Julu Twine: you've begun in 19
:34:42] Julu Twine: 22 points during early 19
:34:47] Julu Twine: 23 points in the work
:34:49] Julu Twine: can
:34:50] Julu Twine: point you need to know
:34:53] Julu Twine: OK
:34:59] Julu Twine: this is the darkest time in the history
of the world can
:35:33] Julu Twine: This is by far the darkest time in the
history of the world.
:35:42] Julu Twine: Is it necessary for a period here?
:35:49] Julu Twine: Please respond me now when you can.
:35:54] Julu Twine: and

:36:07] Julu Twine: for the timeless is something that
Thailand for the time to respond when you can assist something
from that the market economics or county rim to remove their

:36:14] Julu Twine: vastly more to attend S
:36:27] Julu Twine: for example to hold for example, Harrick
for example dead

:36:30] Julu Twine: for example in 10
:36:34] Julu Twine: for example then
:36:41] Julu Twine: for example and for example 10
:36:44] Julu Twine: oh
:36:46] Julu Twine: four era
:36:52] Julu Twine: of the worst time in the
:37:02] Julu Twine: history of the world in reality the
market markup between us and then
:37:04] Julu Twine: that's something else
:37:07] Julu Twine: entirely

:37:09] Julu Twine: This is the worst time in the historyof
the world. In reality the market markup between us and then is
something else entirely nest pas?

:37:10] Julu Twine: and vast hall
:37:16] Julu Twine: were
:37:19] Julu Twine: losing track of this
:37:26] Julu Twine: But IC and are about
:37:30] Julu Twine: and here and are
:37:31] Julu Twine: you all
:37:31] Julu Twine: We're llosing track of this but I hear
it up above and see it far above.
:37:35] Julu Twine: Then are
:37:35] Julu Twine: men are
:37:38] Julu Twine: fortunate in all
:37:40] Julu Twine: OK
:37:46] Julu Twine: or disappoint an internal
:37:50] Julu Twine: we're getting to where we use today when
we were
:37:53] Julu Twine: we're disappointed internal

:38:13] Julu Twine: not discourage novices documented well
within the interior RV of this protocol that we call run
against Monroe was into ourselves within a virtual world which
is no longer in advance or appearance or we can see

:38:16] Julu Twine: we're determined to be somewhere where
we are
:38:17] Julu Twine: .
:38:26] Julu Twine: To hold whenever example there is
:38:33] Julu Twine: respond to me and I'll just keep
repeating what I'm saying

:38:44] Julu Twine: men are fortunate all OK would
disappoint an internal organ where we use today when we're
work were disappointed internal

:38:52] Julu Twine: response mail does keep repeating what
I'm saying

:39:03] Julu Twine: that are fortunate altar would
disappoint an internal organ were reduced to do and where were
work were disappointed internal

:39:06] Julu Twine: response smelled the skipper pinch
:39:09] Julu Twine: run sign
:39:18] Julu Twine: response from salmon runs on
:39:31] Julu Twine: the warrant for the whole earth orbit
fortunate than organs were uncomfortable row work for different than the
:39:39] Julu Twine: order of ownership of immigration
honors: two
:39:40] Julu Twine: men are
:39:44] Julu Twine: two fortunate in all
:39:46] Julu Twine: children
:39:47] Julu Twine: OK
:39:50] Julu Twine: children were disappointing internal
:39:52] Julu Twine: children

:39:59] Julu Twine: were getting to where we use today when
we were disappointed were disappointing internal children and

:40:00] Julu Twine: children

:40:20] Julu Twine: not discourage novices documented well
within the interior RB of this protocol that we call run
against Monroe was into ourselves in a virtual world which is
no longer in advance for appearance where we can see we're
getting to where we're used to deter when we're disappointed
or disappointing internal children and internal children who

:40:22] Julu Twine: controlled whenever example.
:40:28] Julu Twine: Shall respond in control when a
resemblance a

:40:35] Julu Twine: mentor for GOP would disappoint an
intern working where we use today where we're we're

:40:41] Julu Twine: I think you can see
:40:46] Julu Twine: response now goes to prepare the ones
I'm on the
:40:48] Julu Twine: own
:40:50] Julu Twine: show you consider this
:40:54] Julu Twine: probably are john Romero and
:40:56] Julu Twine: ran
:41:00] Julu Twine: what was that when
:41:06] Julu Twine: run was at them when was that when
:41:15] Julu Twine: I was nine and runways at them when was
that when he's on arrival here and aggression
:41:16] Julu Twine: immigration ownership
:41:24] Julu Twine: I was 9 to 1 of nine million aggression
ownership here
:41:25] Julu Twine: job ran
:41:29] Julu Twine: out as much one of nine million jobs ran
:41:35] Julu Twine: java or disappointing of the internal
:41:37] Julu Twine: john Duran
:41:40] Julu Twine: the job are disappointing jaunt around
:41:45] Julu Twine: the jobs and disappointing jaunt around
:41:51] Julu Twine: while listening to jobs and
disappointing jaunt around
:41:56] Julu Twine: the corner down swallows into jobs and
disappointing job around
:42:02] Julu Twine: the corner down swallows and some jobs
:42:11] Julu Twine: July oh share
:42:14] Julu Twine: in the avatars

:42:22] Julu Twine: mentor for GOP would disappoint an
intern working where we use today where where we're
:42:25] Julu Twine: I think you can see
:42:30] Julu Twine: resellers and others to prepare the ones
I'm on a
:42:33] Julu Twine: on
:42:37] Julu Twine: show you consider this
:42:40] Julu Twine: probably are john Romero and
:42:43] Julu Twine: ran
:42:47] Julu Twine: what was that when
:42:51] Julu Twine: run was at them when was that when
:42:57] Julu Twine: I was nine and runways at them when was
that when he's on arrival here in aggression
:43:01] Julu Twine: immigration ownership
:43:06] Julu Twine: I was 9 to 1 of nine million aggression
ownership year
:43:10] Julu Twine: job Brent
:43:14] Julu Twine: out as much when of nine million jobs
:43:20] Julu Twine: java or disappointing of the internal
:43:21] Julu Twine: to look
:43:23] Julu Twine: john Duran
:43:25] Julu Twine: to look
:43:27] Julu Twine: the job are disappointing jobs around
:43:29] Julu Twine: to look
:43:32] Julu Twine: to jobs in disappointing jobs around
:43:34] Julu Twine: to look
:43:37] Julu Twine: while listening to jobs in disappointing
jobs around
:43:43] Julu Twine: the corner down swallows into jobs in
disappointing job around
:43:48] Julu Twine: children acquire down swallows and some
jobs until
:43:52] Julu Twine: Allen to judge the 15 m in front of you
:43:54] Julu Twine: is male
:43:55] Julu Twine: children
:43:57] Julu Twine: July oh share
:44:01] Julu Twine: any avatars

:44:12] Julu Twine: children mentor for GOP would disappoint
an intern working where we use today where where we're
disappointed where we're disappointed if that means the

:44:17] Julu Twine: two jury summons that is to protect 1518
:44:24] Julu Twine: Chris Ellis must prepare there was a
jury summons of this project should be maintained
:44:30] Julu Twine: to Shari project from the media as Ellis
has propelled was originally summons ran

:44:44] Julu Twine: this project should we maintain tours
are given project from the radio's Ellis has rented and listen
and listen and last night was made last night and was even
when I was nine and runways
:44:54] Julu Twine: and Ron Moore is an aggression in making
them aggression ownership these projects and everything I did
something has to be maintained as we can maintain at

:45:05] Julu Twine: July 02 and one horse in the Gresham and
making them and making them in and around and making them run
:45:06] Julu Twine: into

:45:17] Julu Twine: job were disappointing in the internal
children the internal children the internal children gender
unknown children john Durand internal children the internal
children to

:45:29] Julu Twine: the john Deere and internal children the
internal children the internal children john Durant was named
to listen and listen and listen and

:45:32] Julu Twine: listen and listen and
:45:36] Julu Twine: his knee and
:45:47] Julu Twine: can live in small
:45:52] Julu Twine: and
:45:57] Julu Twine: she will do that now that will do that
now she
:46:02] Julu Twine: and children and she and
:46:05] Julu Twine: in terms
:46:10] Julu Twine: of children and workers in the
:46:26] Julu Twine: windows Linda support the danger of AIDS
and other GOP agenda 1830 Robinson said the GOP agenda and
:46:33] Julu Twine: the jury summons absolutely huge gains
and estimated only
:46:38] Julu Twine: the Supreme Court voted against those
:46:41] Julu Twine: and
:46:43] Julu Twine: was
:46:46] Julu Twine: the
:46:56] Julu Twine: Enron receivers and much much these
projects three days in the beginning
:47:02] Julu Twine: July 2, 1 was much
:47:10] Julu Twine: answer would
:47:14] Julu Twine: change intent of

:47:27] Julu Twine: the john Deere and internal children the
internal children internal children john Dorrance was meant to
listen and listen listen and listen

:47:31] Julu Twine: and listen and listen and
:47:34] Julu Twine: in prison and
:47:37] Julu Twine: you were
:47:38] Julu Twine: in
:47:41] Julu Twine: turn live in small and
:47:43] Julu Twine: actual that now
:47:47] Julu Twine: and
:47:49] Julu Twine: and
:47:55] Julu Twine: an actual do that now we'll do that now
she and children and see under terms
:48:02] Julu Twine: in an island of jersey 50 m in front of
:48:05] Julu Twine: can
:48:10] Julu Twine: challenge of George and then the majors
in front of you
:48:15] Julu Twine: and
:48:19] Julu Twine: you can
:48:25] Julu Twine: and
:48:31] Julu Twine: was
:48:40] Julu Twine: in the Enron receivers and marched New
Zealand projects the three dozen beginning
:48:44] Julu Twine: July 2 and I was much
:48:47] Julu Twine: answer want
:48:51] Julu Twine: transcends end of
:48:59] Julu Twine: a job and children and grandchildren and
enjoy live
:48:59] Julu Twine: and
:49:03] Julu Twine: in the
:49:07] Julu Twine: main
:49:09] Julu Twine: you are
:49:30] Julu Twine: too small and
:49:42] Alan Dojoji: I will leave you. I will leave you now.
:49:46] Julu Twine: you
:49:48] Julu Twine: How do you plan to do this?
:49:49] Julu Twine: to
:50:02] Alan Dojoji: I will leave you. I will leave you now.
:50:11] Julu Twine: Do you think your plan will succeed?
Right now?Do you think your plan will succeed?
:50:13] Alan Dojoji: I will leave you. I will leave you now.
:50:23] Julu Twine: Would you recommend this action to a
friend? Right now?How do you plan to do this?
:50:35] Julu Twine: a job in children and grandchildren and
:50:40] Julu Twine: two small
:50:43] Julu Twine: and
:50:45] Julu Twine: RE
:50:50] Julu Twine: you
:50:53] Julu Twine: can
:50:56] Julu Twine: interact
:51:00] Julu Twine: and
:51:03] Julu Twine: RE
:51:08] Julu Twine: TV
:51:16] Julu Twine: and
:51:22] Julu Twine: the
:51:35] Julu Twine: children and


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