META: GENERAL PROSPECTUS, Alan Sondheim, for the Meta META:
META: Corporation I began in 1972, dealing with art as
META: research.

I watch and enter LocalSim through Imprudence recording with
Snagit, editing in Premiere and Audition. I am in an
antiquated world promising everything from the past into the
future. I am inviolate, inordinately fragile, moving around
the broken plateau and broken objects I created. Don't worry
about the blurred text, what's important is the seething, the
clicks, the voice losing grips with it all. All Meta META
dies; all Meta META promises new beginnings which collapse in
their hubris and misplaced audacity. On the street people are
dying. Across borders people are dying. Too many people dying
of starvation, of war, of violence, of racist hatred. There is
no Meta no META, comprehension only of incomprehension. This
video is a meditation on such, a meditation on breaking, on
the broken, whose premise is that the way out of Meta META is
the only way out of here, in the grit of the world, in the
teeth and maw of every one of us. I make this video, The Death
of META, for you, my Meta corporation long since defunct and
perhaps not even properly registered in the State of Rhode
Island in 1971-1972. Whatever you do, do better than I did,
do it was grace and recognition of the darkness that surrounds


the Meta Corporation work I did; it never went through. folded
'poster' of taped announcements etc., Alan Sondheim, music and
Meta (sitting on top of folders) AS, The Analysis of
Situation, Providence, RI: Meta Press, 1972 Head, Meta
Corporation for Art Research, 1971-2 Amelia

META: GENERAL PROSPECTUS, Alan Sondheim, for the Meta proposal
stemmed out of the Meta Corporation work I did; it music and
Meta (sitting on top of folders) Hierarchical Structuring.
Meta Limited, 1972. call it Meta yet; that was the name of a
small registered art


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