Embrace! Electronic Literature and More (editorial)

https://youtu.be/Cy1VoIsDjc4 video

[expanded video with new material for upcoming ELO conference
or for you and me if too long or unacceptable in these gray days
of mourning, _here_ and among so many.]

Dangerous electronic literature! Make it dangerous, make it
edgy! Make it problematic. Make it a problem. Make it involve
the whole body. Make it involve the world! Make it involve its
own demise. Make it involve its own disappearance. Make it
appear somewhere where it hasn't been before. Make it not
involve the [missing] so much. Make it not involve the mouth so
much. Make it be there. Make it be adjunct. Make it be an
adjunct to something unknown. Make it be part of the world. Make
it be a partnership. Make not be of only of one or another. Make
it not be this or that. Make it be open and difficult. Make it
be open and as easy as everything else in the world. Make it be
easier. Make it be punk and raw. Make it walk away from the
computers from computers into easy dwellings with beautiful
lightness and food and housing for all. Make it return and
totally transform the computers that house it.  O data baseness.
Make literature return to Rabelais to the aural. To the aural..
Let it be that and everything else period!

Neti neti! Make it neither this nor that! Make it both!

(I want to thank the Electronic Literature Organization for
their kindness and community over the years.)


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